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The structure of a linked list

function ListNode(val, next) { this.val = (val === undefined ? 0 : val) this.next = (next === undefined ? null : next) this.toString = () => { let stack = [this.val] let p = this.next while (p) { stack.push(p.val) p = p.next } return  stack } }

Common Topics

Reverse a linked list

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> 1. The current node becomes the next node of the next node > 2. Next = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE PRE = PRE
Const reverseList = head = > {the if (head = = null | | head. The next = = null) return the head / / traversing the list only one node back later, Let p = reverseList(head.next) // The current node is the end of the queue head.next. Next = head // The next node is null head.next = null return p } const reverseList1 = head => { let cur = head, pre = null, next = null while (cur) { next = cur.next cur.next = pre pre = cur cur = next } return pre }

The replication of complex linked lists

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Idea 1: create a new linked list with next, and then map the new linked list to the old one. F (old[n]) = f(new[n]) = f(new[n]
function Node(val, next, random) {
    this.val = val;
    this.next = next;
    this.random = random;

const copyRandomList = head => {
    const map = new Map()
    let p = head, pre = null
    // create new list and handle map for old list and new list
    while (p) {
        const node = new Node(p.val)
        map.set(p, node)
        pre && (pre.next = node)
        pre = node
        p = p.next
    // log('new list', map.get(head))
    // traverse map
    for (let [oldNode, newNode] of map.entries()) {
        let key = oldNode.random
        let findNode = map.get(key)
        newNode.random = findNode
    return map.get(head)

Merges two sorted linked lists

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Idea: If both of them are in order, it is easy to get them. Let's go through them together and compare them once
const mergeTwoLists = (l1, l2) => { let pre = null let head = null while (l1 && l2) { const node = new ListNode(Math.min(l1.val, l2.val)) pre && (pre.next = node) ! pre && (head = node) pre = node l1.val < l2.val ? (l1 = l1.next) : (l2 = l2.next) } while (l1) { if (! pre) return l1 pre.next = l1 pre = pre.next l1 = l1.next } while (l2) { if (! pre) return l2 pre.next = l2 pre = pre.next l2 = l2.next } return head }

The KTH reciprocal node in the linked list

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Idea: Classic double pointer problem
const getKthFromEnd = (head, k) => { let fast = head, Slow = head // while (k) {fast = fast.next k -= 1} // while (fast) {fast = fast.next slow = slow.next} return slow }

The last number left in the circle

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0->1->2->3->4 m = 2 1 3 0 4
// timeout const lastRemaining1 = (n, + +); m) => { let start = 0 let pre = null let head = null // create list ring while (start ! == n) { const node = new ListNode(start) pre && (pre.next = node) ! Pre-&& (head = node) pre = node start += 1} pre-. next = head // Let count = 0 while (head! == pre // count % m === 0 == pre) { count += 1 if (count % m === 0) { pre.next = head.next } else { pre = pre.next } head = head.next } return head.val }

Ring list one

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Thinking: fast and slow pointer, can meet is the ring
// timeout const hasCycle = function (head) {let result = false; if (! head) return result; let slow = head let quick = head.next while ((quick ! == slow)) { if (! quick || ! slow || ! quick.next) { return result; } slow = slow.next quick = quick.next.next } if (quick === slow) { result = true } return result }

Ring list two

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Here, the fast and slow pointer needs to be analyzed mathematically. Generally speaking, it is more difficult to use the set storage node. When there is a node in the set, the next node in the set indicates that it is a ring
const detectCycle = function (head) { const set = new Set() let pos = null if (! head) return pos while (head) { if (set.has(head)) { pos = head break } else { set.add(head) } head = head.next } return  pos }