One, foreword

In a relatively long period of time, my learning direction is very arbitrary, want to learn what began to read official documents, looking for source code, learning efficiency is not high.

I also began to reflect, my learning method is not too much waste of precious time after work.

I started looking for tutorials to improve my study efficiency and found the Dachang Promotion Guide. In this column, I have found good ways to study and do things. I will share some of my learning tips below.

Second, promotion system

In the first chapter of the promotion system, understand the rank system, promotion process, promotion principles, promotion logic, grade, no longer aimlessly looking for promotion methods.

1. Rank system

The promotion system of Internet companies includes two types: intermediate leapfrog rank system and stepped rank system. The leapfrog adjacent rank has large difference and less promotion opportunities, while the stepped adjacent rank has small difference and more promotion opportunities.

Once you understand the hierarchy, determine what category your company falls into and what your goals are.

2. Promotion process

The promotion process includes supervisor nomination -> preliminary screening within the department -> panel review -> department control -> confirmation -> Supervisor /HR communication.

  • Supervisor nomination: performance satisfaction, years satisfaction, ability satisfaction;
  • Preliminary screening within the department: ability satisfaction when comparing the nominees of multiple teams;
  • Judge panel investigation: defense materials pass, defense site performance pass;
  • Department regulation: cross-sectional comparison of the defense of multiple teams, the defense passed;
  • High-level confirmation: wait;
  • Supervisor /HR communication: Just wait.

Therefore, technical ability and defense skills are equally important, not only in the daily reserve of technical ability, but also to strengthen the skills of expression, to be able to express their excellent points very well.

3. Promotion principles

There are three principles for promotion, and it is easier to get promoted if the following principles are met:

  • Initiative principle: take the initiative to work (take the initiative to find the leader to communicate with others to learn more information);
  • The growth principle: Find growth and improve yourself as you go along (rather than staying stuck with familiar techniques);
  • Value principle: Learn skills that add value to the organization (not just skills that interest you).

Therefore, in daily work, we should take the initiative to communicate with each other, explore potential growth points in our work, such as introducing new technologies, and continue to learn skills that are helpful to our work.

4. Promotion logic

How do you judge whether you have met the requirements for promotion? The following two points should be met:

  • Be able to do well at your current level (reach mastery level, mastery = optimize and create new experiences);
  • Look for opportunities to do things at the next level ahead of time and get results.

Therefore, in daily work, we should not only immerse ourselves in work, but also think about optimization to create new experience. When we are fully proficient in the current work, we should actively communicate and look for opportunities to do things at the next level in advance.

Because promotion is the same as confession, confession is two people when the time to feel each other can succeed, and promotion is you have mastered the next level of ability can be promoted to the next level. Both are natural things that happen when you are well prepared.

5. COMD capability model

The COMD competency model embodies the abstract competency requirements and helps us to make clear the scope of competency included in the growth goal.

COMD capability model includes 4 complexity + 3 dimensions, and the core idea is to judge the level of competence by the complexity of things.

Four types of complexity:

  • Scale complexity: The larger the scale, the higher the scale complexity;
  • Time complexity: The larger the time span, the higher the time complexity;
  • Environment complexity: The higher the environment uncertainty is, the higher the environment complexity is;
  • Innovation complexity: The higher the degree of innovation, the higher the complexity of innovation.

Three dimensions:

  • Technology;
  • Business;
  • Management.

Examples of COMD model applied in P6:

After mastering the COMD model, the ability requirements of each level will be clearer and can be improved according to the listed ability requirements.

6. Rank level

Taking Ali as an example, the roles corresponding to p5-P10 ranks are listed:

In general, high-level competency requirements contain low-level requirements by default.

Three, the level of detail

P5-p9 is explained in detail from three aspects: technology, business and management:

See “Dachang Promotion Guide – Detailed explanation of ranks” for specific promotion strategies of each rank.

1. P5

  • Technology: the accumulation of basic skills actually used in the job position;
  • Business: familiar with the processing logic of each business;
  • Management: understand the company’s management system and project process.

2. P6

  • Technology: Master the technical “routines” used by the team;
  • Business: Master all functions and deep understanding of processing logic;
  • Manage: Push the subtasks in the project.

3. P7

  • Technology: proficient in team related technology;
  • Business: focus on the whole business;
  • Management: Direct a small team of less than 10 people.

4. P8

  • Technology: Proficient in domain related technology;
  • Business: Familiar with multiple businesses or proficient in end-to-end business;
  • Management: the core is to focus.

5. P9

  • Technology: cross-domain integration ability;
  • Business: from understanding planning to directing personally;
  • Manage: Delegate but don’t herd sheep.

Four, learning methods

1. Learning direction

Find the right learning direction, learning direction should be around the following two aspects:

  • Strong job relevance (learning with weak job relevance can be reduced in priority);
  • Produces value (learning without output can be reduced in priority).

2. Chain learning

Chain learning method, can enhance the depth of technology, let the knowledge form a chain, linked.

It is divided into the following steps:

  • Identify what layers of depth a technology can be divided into;
  • Identify which layer to learn;
  • Identify how each level should be studied.

3. Comparative learning

Comparative learning method, through horizontal comparison of different technologies, so that technology selection is more justified.

It is divided into the following steps:

  • Sorting out key technical points in the field;
  • Sort out the differences between different technologies;
  • Summarize the rationale behind the differences and their impact on application scenarios.

4. Interval learning

The method from big promotion guidelines – 19 | chain & compare & ring learning method: how to multi-dimensional promote technical ability? The comments section

The formation of long-term memory requires a consolidation process, which may take hours or days. During this period, the memory trace is deepened, and the new knowledge is connected with the old knowledge, bringing a firm long-term memory. Therefore, it is not necessary to conduct intensive learning frequently, but to conduct it at intervals.

Take the study column for example, do not repeatedly to study the same chapter, but intervals, such as forgotten some of the practice, can form a long-term memory.


To improve myself by teaching others, I do this by blogging.

After learning the technology, pass on what you have learned to others through blogs.

In the process of writing blog can consolidate, comb knowledge, and output learning results, strengthen the depth of learning.

5. Methods of doing things

1. 3C scheme design method

Design at least 3 schemes for each task and execute them according to the best.

It can help us systematically sort out a field and improve the overall process and work efficiency.

2. PDCA implementation method

PDCA execution method divides the execution process into four links to ensure the efficient and high-quality implementation of specific items:

  • Plan: determine specific tasks, stage objectives, time nodes and specific responsible persons;
  • Implementation: landing specific activities;
  • Check: Check the actual execution result;
  • Action: Identify next steps that need to be taken.


Only by identifying the source of the problem can we solve both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem. We can analyze the root cause of the problem by asking five reasons, and then get a complete solution.

4. Pyramid reporting

Pyramid reporting comes from the pyramid principle, which holds that anything can be summed up into a central idea supported by three to seven arguments, each supported by three to seven arguments.

Pyramid reporting:

  • General conclusion: first throw out the key conclusion;
  • Specific analysis: analyze the cause and effect of the conclusion;
  • Key matters: introduce the key matters that have been done;
  • Summary and improvement: summarize experience and lessons and follow-up improvement measures.

Key reporting skills:

  • Big picture: show the whole situation;
  • Evolution path: show individual development path and current stage;
  • Timeline: Shows how things happened;

5. 5W1H1D Analysis

5W1H1D analysis method is used to help us deeply understand the business, understand the business function = analysis of functional requirements + analysis of quality requirements + summary of online effect.

5W: Background of requirement generation and operating environment after functions come online.

1H: How to implement it and how the whole process works.

1D: Service effect after being online.

The specific description of 5W is as follows:

  • When: When the feature is needed;
  • Where: the place where the function is needed. It can also refer to places, such as subway, driving, etc.
  • Who: The people the feature is aimed at;
  • What: What this functionality is, generally described in the requirements document;
  • Why: Why this function is needed? Only by truly understanding the driving force of customers’ demands can we truly solve their problems.

Use 5W1H8C1D analysis to get started, analyze and understand service functions before going online, and get familiar with running data after going online.

Six, the summary

This paper introduces the experience of learning dachang Promotion Guide from four directions of promotion system, detailed explanation of rank, learning method and working method. Among them, promotion system and detailed explanation of rank improve cognition, learning method and working method improve efficiency. If you want to know more, you can go to the original text – Dachang Promotion Guide for study.

Hope you can help, thanks for reading ~

Don’t forget to point a praise to encourage me oh, pen core ❤️

The resources

  • Dachang Promotion Guide