Overview: The Cloudera CDP Enterprise data cloud platform based on Alibaba Cloud has entered the public beta phase. This article describes the trial process in detail.

Cloudera CDP Enterprise data cloud platform based on Alibaba Cloud has entered the public beta stage. If you are interested in the platform, you can use the following process to try it out.

If you want to use it directly, please refer to the following process:

Each ali-cloud enterprise certified enterprise can apply for a cloud server voucher and a 30-day trial of CDP platform.

Refer to the following sections for details of each step.

Apply for cloud server voucher

  • Click to fill in the application form for free TEST of ALIBABA Cloud *Cloudera CDP product, and apply for cloud server voucher and CDP product trial based on Alibaba Cloud deployment.
  • Wait for the system to approve, and then issue the cloud server voucher to your company’s corporate account.

Ii. Preparation of corporate accounts

When applying for cloud server voucher, if your company does not have an ali Cloud enterprise account, you need to register and authenticate the enterprise account of Ali Cloud.

  • Prepare aliyun account for enterprise authentication and record UID;

The account has passed the enterprise authentication. If no enterprise authentication is available, follow the wizard to perform the enterprise authentication.

Note: Corporate accounts are required to apply for cloud server vouchers and to use CDP platforms.

Purchase and delivery process of CDP Platform

1. Product Purchase Page Purchase CDP Platform products

On the Cloudera CDP Enterprise Data Cloud platform product purchase page, select CDP Enterprise Data Cloud (Test package), select 30 days to purchase, and click Buy Now.

2. Accept the commissioning agreement for software commissioning

3. Software payment

For the trial version, the payment is 0. For non-trial users, the price of the corresponding product package will be paid directly.

4. Enter the software console and click Free login

5. Authorize user roles

6. Configure the cluster

You can configure the CLUSTER ECS instance on this page. Home page After purchasing the CDP software, click Cluster Configuration to go to the cluster configuration TAB page

7. Payment cloud server resources

After the configuration is complete, click OK and jump to the payment page. On the payment page, you can choose to use the cloud server voucher applied before for cloud server payment.

8. Create a CDP cluster

After the payment is complete, the cluster startup status is displayed on the refresh page of the cluster management page. General pull time 20-30 minutes. After the cluster is set up, a notification will be sent, and you can use the CDP cluster.

9. Deliver the CDP cluster to users

After the user cluster is created, ensure that port 7180 is enabled for the specified IP address in the security group when you log in to the CM Console for the first time. Perform the following operations to enable port 7180.


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