Serverless cloud native integration product solution, help small programs, Web applications, mobile applications success, support a variety of development frameworks, according to the preset template one-click deployment, 3 minutes to online an application. New user 0 yuan experience, what are you waiting for? Come and experience it!


Experience 0 yuan for new users

Cloud Development Standard (Basic Version 1) Resource Package:

  • CDN flow 5 GB/ month;
  • Cloud function Outbound traffic 1 GB/ month
  • Database capacity 2 GB/ month
  • 5 GB cloud storage
  • Each cloud development user will enjoy a free standard Basic edition 1 resource package for a long time

Cloud Development Features

Build applications quickly

Quickly start application development without having to manage infrastructure and server o&M

Provide rich capabilities

Low threshold to quickly call wechat and Tencent cloud open capabilities, such as wechat pay, subscription messages, etc

Easy to build cross-platform applications

The Cloud Development SDK provides rich back-end capabilities to help you quickly develop applets, Web and mobile applications

Effective cost reduction

It can automatically expand or shrink the capacity according to the application traffic, flexibly adjust the resource allocation, greatly saving the cost

Develop multi-application

Cloud development The user authentication system and security rules of CloudBase help you quickly develop multi-terminal applications.

Cloud development provides cross-terminal user identity system, even if users log in on different platforms, they can be identified as the same cloud development user, so as to get through the data between platforms; In addition, resources can be defined to help developers control users’ access to resources on different platforms in a cross-platform scenario.

Application online and hosting

Cloud development CloudBase provides rich background infrastructure and application hosting services.

Cloud development provides databases, cloud functions, and storage. Developers do not need to pay attention to infrastructure, but can focus on business development and get online quickly. ; At the same time, it provides static Web hosting and Web application hosting to help deliver applications quickly.

Portable ops

Cloud development CloudBase supports automatic elastic scaling and provides multi-dimensional alarm monitoring:

In response to traffic peak, the system can automatically expand capacity to ensure high service availability. When the flow falls back, it will automatically reduce capacity, helping to save costs; Provides log collection, search and analysis functions, helping customers quickly discover and locate problems through logs. And inform developers through SMS, email, wechat and other ways.

Building real-time applications

Real-time data push:

You can use SDK to monitor data changes on the small program side/Web side/mobile application multi-client side; There is no need to manage long connections, no need to write server-side code, and no need to set up and manage infrastructure to receive updates automatically.

Rich extension capabilities

Cloud Development CloudBase provides a series of rich and practical extension capabilities, so that you can quickly install and deploy functions into your application, saving a lot of secondary development costs. (Visual content management system (CMS), blind image watermarking, automatic image cropping, image security audit, custom SMS login, MySQL and Redis)

Product introduction

Cloud Development (TCB) is a cloud native integrated development environment and tool platform provided by Tencent Cloud. It provides developers with highly available, automatic and flexible expansion of back-end cloud services, including computing, storage, hosting and other serverless capabilities, which can be used for cloud integrated development of various end applications (small programs, Public account, Web application, Flutter client, etc.) to help developers build and manage back-end services and cloud resources in a unified manner, avoiding tedious server construction, operation and maintenance during application development. Developers can focus on the implementation of business logic, with lower development threshold and higher efficiency.

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