Courses of Aliyun University:Cloud server security and protection

Course Introduction:

Are you still worried that server security operation and maintenance is too complicated? Don’t feel comfortable hosting the server operation and maintenance to a third party?

As indigenous people of the Internet, it is time you consider themselves to the management server, security theory is different from the tall, straight into the theme of this course to take you to understand the main threat to the security server, Step – By – Step to master the corresponding protective measures, with carefully designed experiment, you can also become experts cloud server security operations.

Through the course you can:

* Understand the common risks that servers may encounter when accessing the Internet, including vulnerability exploitation, brute force cracking, Trojan horse attacks, etc.;

* Master the general skills of server security protection, including account security, service security, vulnerability repair, log check, etc., and master the core skills of establishing host-level unified security defense through Ann Knight.

Class Schedule:

Lesson 1: Introduction to the course

课时2: security challenges for servers

Class 3: Server security Management 123

Lesson 4: Discover login risks by Ann Knight

Lesson 5: Fix common bugs with an Ann Knight

课时6: [online experiment 1] first experience of Ann knight

课时7: [online experiment 2] best practice of Windows firewall

Start learning: Server security and protection on the cloud

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