Abstract:Cloud database GaussDB NoSQL is a distributed multi-mode NoSQL database service based on computing storage separation architecture. It is compatible with multiple NoSQL interfaces and achieves the ultimate in flexibility and rapid expansion.

This article shares from Huawei cloud community “cloud map said | Huawei cloud self-research cloud database GaussDB NoSQL, compatible with a number of NoSQL interface database services”, the original author: read the cloud.

Huawei cloud database GaussDB NoSQL provides four services: InfluxDB (For Mongo), GausSDB (For Cassandra), GausSDB (For Redis) are compatible with MongoDB, Cassandra, InfluxDB and Redis, respectively. On the basis of cloud computing platform’s high performance, high availability, high reliability, high security and flexibility, it provides one-button deployment, backup and recovery, monitoring and alarm and other service capabilities.

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