As early as the early 20th century, when the automobile was invented, inventors dreamed up the idea of driverless cars. But even the early stages of driverless cars take centuries. After all, in the complex urban road conditions, if a machine wants to realize the functions of perception, decision-making and control like a human, it is bound to face a variety of complex practical challenges. But needless to say, driverless has become the key research direction of today’s and future cutting-edge technology companies.

Cloud racing opens the door to machine learning

If driverless cars are the stuff of science fiction movies, Amazon Deepracer has successfully projected them into the real world.

As the creator and leader of global cloud computing, Amazon Cloud Technology launched the Amazon Deepracer Racer in November 2018, Reinforcement Learning (RL), 3D Racing Simulator is a 1/18 scale fully autonomous racing car driven by Reinforcement Learning (RL). RL is an advanced machine learning technology that can learn very complex behaviors without tagging training data and can make short-term decisions while optimizing long-term goals. Amazon Deepracer solves the autonomous driving technology platform with models. Developers can train, evaluate, and fine-tune RL models in simulators, race in cloud-based 3D racing simulators, and deploy models to Amazon Deepracer. Get real world self-driving experience and feel the speed and passion anytime, anywhere.

In order to make sure that the car performs more fully on the field and leads the way in machine learning, Amazon Cloud Technology has specially equipped the car with high-end equipment such as an Intel Atom® processor, 4 megapixels, 1080p resolution camera, high-speed (802.11ac) WiFi, and Intel OpenVino computer vision kit to equip it from head to toe. One breakthrough after another is achieved through trial and error.

At the same time, Amazon Cloud Technology established the Amazon Deepracer League (including online simulation race and offline physical race) in 2018, aiming to enable people around the world to easily participate in machine learning and experience the fun of autonomous driving. It is also the world’s first global autonomous driving racing League open to everyone.

On the Amazon Deepracer platform, developers can test performance in a variety of environments, optimize the performance of machine learning through data debugging and widget selection, and compete with competitors from around the world to find the future of machine learning.

Multidimensional upgrades bring a new experience

In less than a year since its launch, Amazon Deepracer has attracted thousands of developers from around the world to participate in live and virtual contests, demonstrating tremendous energy and creativity. In response to developers’ desire for speed and enthusiasm for machine learning, Amazon Cloud launched a new generation of Amazon Deepracer EVO in early 2020, based on Amazon Deepracer. The new car is equipped with a stereo camera and a laser detection and measurement (LIDAR) sensor to make it more powerful and sensitive than its predecessor. With the help of the new configuration, Amazon Deepracer will give developers a better experience in machine learning.

Along with the car configuration update, the league system also ushered in the upgrade. Amazon’s cloud technology will increase the number of major events around the world in 2020 and open up more virtual tracks and race formats. With the new Amazon Deepracer Evo upgrade, the efficiency of machine learning is further improved. From individuals to businesses to entire regions, having their own driverless cars and enjoying a race is becoming the “new fad” in machine learning.

Open source code embraces more possibilities

In order to make machine learning even more powerful, in April 2021, Amazon Cloud Technology officially opened the Amazon Deepracer open source code, allowing any developer with basic Linux coding skills to rewrite their “Deepracer” and prototype racing cars for new uses. To create an “all-around racing car” that meets more needs.

Want to experience “all-around racing” for the first time? Action is better than heart!

Finger, come and join us! Hey, the atmosphere of the scene will make your trip worthwhile!

[Amazon Cloud Technology China Summit in 2021] Take you to feel the four-wheel drive brother era!

This summit will be grandly held in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. Together with many leading technology practitioners in the industry, they will share multi-dimensional forward-looking perspectives around the reliable technology and service of Amazon Cloud Technology. The “Amazon Deepracer Racing Circuit” was specially created in the exhibition area, so that you can get close to the AI front line and the frontier of machine learning development.

Scan the code to sign up for Amazon Cloud Technology China Summit

More information about the summit can be found here…

What are you waiting for? Sign up for a marathon with Amazon Deepracer in a crazy self-driving race! Let’s salute the four-wheel drive boy with AI!