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Cloud Native pick of the week

1 – Istio 1.0 is released and ready for production

2 — Docker 18.06 community release, with an extended release cycle

3 — Harbor joins THE CNCF Foundation as a sandbox project

CableLabs launches SNAPS-Kubernetes platform

1. Istio 1.0 is released and ready for production

At Google Cloud Next 2018, Google announced the release schedule for Istio V1.0. V1.0, which was officially released last week, is designed to “create networks for services with load balancing, authentication between services, and monitoring without changing the deployed services.” Key new features include cross-cluster mesh support, fine-grained traffic control, and incremental online two-way TLS without updating all clients of the service.

Istio is an open source project that acts as a control surface for an Envoy Proxy data surface. While Google appears to be leading the project, many other organizations are actively contributing to the community, including Lyft (Envoy Proxy Owner), IBM, Pivotal, Cisco, Red Hat, Huawei, VMware, and others.

Istio’s control surfaces include Mixer for controlling and using policies, Pilot for traffic management, and Citadel for identity and certificate management. The Envoy data facet is deployed with the corresponding service through the Sidecar model. Therefore, all communications between services are hijacked by Envoy Sidecars, which implement policies specified in the control plane and collect monitoring data. The overall architecture is shown below. For detailed technical details, please refer to the Istio technical articles of this public account series.

In addition, the Istio team has marked many existing features as Beta, indicating that they are ready for production. The current recommended way to deploy Istio into a Kubernetes cluster is through the official Helm Chart. The team also noted that the entire Istio community has made great efforts in performance and reliability, including continuous regression testing, large-scale environment simulations, and Bug fixes.

Meanwhile, organisations including eBay, Auto Trader UK, Descartes Labs, HP FitStation, JUSPAY, Namely, PubNub and Trulia are all trying to use Istio. Karl Stoney, Head of infrastructure delivery at Auto Trader UK, said: “Auto Trader UK not only moved from private cloud to public cloud, but also from virtual machine to Kubernetes. The control and monitoring provided by Istio helped us greatly reduce the risk of this mission.

2. Docker 18.06 community version is released, and the release cycle will be extended later

Today Docker released Docker 18.06 Community Edition (CE). Along with the release of the new version, it was also announced that there will be new rules for future Docker community releases.

The first rule is that the release cycle will be adjusted later based on feedback gathered from the community. Future stable releases for the Docker community will move from quarterly releases to biannual releases to provide higher quality CE releases. This release of Docker 18.06 is the last one with a maintenance life of four months. Future community releases, starting with Docker 18.09 and Docker 19.03, will use a new release cycle and increase maintenance times to seven months. In the future, Docker will also launch a public beta before releasing a new version.

The second rule, the Edge version of Docker Community Edition has been deprecated. Previous developers using the Community edition have been able to use the Edge version, which comes out with monthly updates to get a head start on new features. Now Docker CE Edge has been integrated into the Docker Community Edition Nightly Build Channel. However, Docker for desktop, Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, will remain the Edge version, Docker company will release new features every month.

3.Harbor joined CNCF Foundation as a sandbox project

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) recently announced the acceptance of the Cloud native Harbor open Source Image Repository project as the CNCF hosted Sandbox project. The Sandbox project is an early stage of cloud original project, which is a milestone event for the Harbor project.

The Harbor project is an open source cloud native Registry with storage, signing, and scanning content capabilities. Harbor was created by VMware in 2014 and opened source in 2016. Harbor also offers advanced security features such as vulnerability analysis, role-based access control, and behavioral activity auditing. The project has received more than 4600 stars on GitHub and is the only one in CNCF that supports Chinese language native.

Henry Zhang, Harbor founder and technical director of VMware China R&D Center, said, “Harbor’s success could not have been possible without the ongoing involvement and support of the community. CNCF’s decision will provide more opportunities for Harbor’s development. “We look forward to strengthening our partnership with the community, encouraging more community contributions, and working together to make Harbor a top program in container mirroring management.”

Harbor has a large number of domestic and international users, including CNCF Chengcaiyun, China Mobile, JINGdong, Pivotal, Rancher, Tencent Cloud, Speed Cloud, Ruiyun Zhihe, Shanghai OnStar, Talking Data and TrendMicro, etc.

4. CableLabs launches SNAPS-Kubernetes

CableLabs has launched a new open source product called SNAPS-Kubernetes, To promote software-defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) adoption within the CableLabs community. As network Functional Virtualization (NFV) and software-defined Networking (SDN) continue to mature, evolve, and expand into new industries, Kubernetes has helped create this new open source product.

Cabelelabs is a non-profit innovation and research and development laboratory with a membership of 60 cable system operators. Release of SNAPS-Kubernetes products designed to provide easy-to-install infrastructure software for lab and development projects. It helps to provide better virtual network capabilities (VNF) that take up fewer resources, are more fault tolerant, and can be rapidly scaled to meet requirements.

“Using cloud native technologies, including Kubernetes, will provide a virtual layer of networking with lower overhead and better performance than existing virtual Machine (VM) based solutions.” “Wrote Lead architect Randy Levensalor. “It will also reduce user costs and improve the quality of the user experience. Several operators are already evaluating Kubernetes, and we hope to make Kubernetes available to more members through the SNAPS-Kubernetes program.”

Key features in the basic release of the SNAPS-Kubernetes project include:

  • Automatically install and configure the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Support to select multiple clustered networks and CNI plug-ins, including Weave, Flannel, Calico, MACvLAN.

  • Support for persistent storage volumes based on CEPH.

  • Kubernetes dashboard, Pod health notification support, and network topology visualization.

  • Resource management solutions such as CPU, memory, large page memory, Pod and Node affinity and antiaffinity, and available domains.

  • Authentication and role-based access control (RBAC). And CPU, memory, and network usage monitoring.

In the future, Cabelelabs also plans to launch Serverless Architecture services and create a complete architecture for developers that includes microservices and service grids (mesh) to create more flexible and resilient applications.

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