Climb GoCn daily news and push it to wechat/mailbox 19/100 to publish the article hanyajun0123

crawlGoCn Daily newsAnd push it to wechat/mailbox


Method of use

Notification via wechat
docker run -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-eNOTICE_WECHAT_USERS= Trunik Hanyajun /news_watch_noticeCopy the code
  • NOTICE_WECHAT_USERS represents the name of your friends to notify, and your wechat file helper is sent by default. If there are multiple friends, separate them with a comma (,).
The effect

One drawback of wechat notification is that the web-based version of wechat can only have one terminal login

Push via email
docker run -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -eNOTICE_TYPE=mail \ // Select notify via email. If you do not fill in this parameter, wechat will be used by default-e[email protected],[email protected] \ // Send-eNOTICE_MAIL_PWD=******* \ // Email SMTP authorization password-eNOTICE_MAIL_PORT=25 \ // SMTP \ // SMTP server address-e[email protected] \ // Send email-e[email protected],[email protected] // Send cc hanyajun/news_watch_noticeCopy the code
The effect

Climb GoCn daily news and push it to wechat/email github:… image

Method of use Via the WeChat docker run – v/etc/localtime: / etc/localtime: ro – e NOTICE_WECHAT_USERS = trudi Nick hanyajun/news_watch_notice NOTICE_WECHAT_USERS represents the name of your friends to notify, and your wechat file helper is sent by default. If there are multiple friends, separate them with a comma (,). The image effect image

One drawback of wechat notification is that the web-based version of wechat can only have one terminal login

Through email push docker run – v/etc/localtime: / etc/localtime: NOTICE_TYPE ro – e = mail \ / / the email notification, If no [email protected],[email protected] \ // Send -e NOTICE_MAIL_PWD=******* \ // Email SMTP authorization password -e NOTICE_MAIL_PORT=25 \ // SMTP port -e \ // SMTP server address -e [email protected] \ [email protected],[email protected] // Send a cc to hanyajun/news_watch_notice effect image

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