“This is the first day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”


Project introduction

Chrome plugin to reduce the time and frequency of fishing: it is easy to subconsciously open the fishing website during work/study, the plugin helps us reduce the time and frequency of fishing, improve our work and study efficiency, save time for learning to improve themselves or enjoy life.

Plug-in function

Match touch fish url

After opening the web page, the plug-in will automatically match its own configuration of the web site.

After a successful match, a pop-up message prompts the user to close the web site.

If you feel tired, you can also choose to take a break.

Site fishing detection closed, fishing rest time reminder

When you turn off the fishing site detection, there will be a countdown reminder and fishing time statistics on the right side of the fishing site.

If not, this configuration can be turned off in the plug-in’s admin panel Settings.

Nearly 100 days fishing time statistics

The plugin will collect the data of the last 100 days of fishing, after 100 days will be deleted.

Every day will be sorted according to the fishing time, the fishing rest time click statistics.

If fishing is turned off early, the remaining fishing time is returned

Plug-in Management Panel

Click the plug-in icon to open the plug-in management template and configure the plug-in.

Quick view of warehouse code online VSCode

To view the Github repository code, change the github.com/ repository address to Github. Dev/repository address (official) and github1s.com/ repository address.

  • I saw this feature in the github1s plugin, because it is really quite useful, and I don’t want to install the plugin, I want to integrate it into this plugin

  • The plugin displays the button directly next to the repository name so it can be used on wiki, Actions, issues, Pull Request pages, and so on

  • Support for github dev(default) and github1s, which can be changed by going to (Plug-in Management panel => Settings)

PS: I used to use Octotree file tree to view the code, now I feel like I can delete this plugin haha, I prefer to use VSCode online

Demonstrate the Gif

The plugin documentation

Install plug-ins and get started quickly

Function examples and usage instructions

Update log

Click on Star

If you think this plugin is good and helpful, just click on Star⭐️

Value and usage scenarios of plug-ins

Personally, it works. It works. It helps me resist the temptation of fishing websites, reduces the time and frequency of fishing, and saves a lot of time for me.

It acts as a reminder when you touch the fish. You know you’re touching the fish when you touch the fish.

The matching fishing website has pop-up reminders, closed fishing detection and countdown and fishing time statistics.

When you know you are fishing, after a good rest, you can put into study and work again.

Rather than subconsciously open the web browsing touch fish website, because nipple music is cool, and then a look is a few hours past, afterwards will feel guilty and empty.

Students with poor self-control want to improve the efficiency of work and study, but they often cheat.

Students with poor self-control can use tools to resist temptation, the happiness of fishing is easy to indulge.

Thus, the efficiency of work and study is not high.

Plug-in use time for a long time, will naturally reduce their fishing frequency and time.

Less fish, work and study efficiency will be higher.

That time can be used to learn and improve yourself or to enjoy life (leave work early, read, go to the gym, eat, drink, do whatever you like).

It takes a little strugglevolumeI wish I could cut down on the fish.

  • For example, a demand deadline is coming up and you wish you could cut down on the fiddling.

  • For example, a certain period of time is busy, I hope to reduce the point of fishing.

  • For example, I am busy with graduation, final exams and so on. I hope I can reduce my fidgeting

Struggle force, roll king

This kind of students do not say more, understand all understand. 😂


In view of the last open source promotion (I used to prevent you from reading the boiling point, Zhihu and Weibo Chrome plug-in), I was “reported” and angrily denounced as “capitalist lackeys” because I did not let people touch fish.

I really hope that this open source tool can effectively help students in need to reduce the time of fishing, improve the efficiency of work and study.

I say so much meaning is not in “wash ground”, everybody don’t again “report” me I am friendly army 😂

My other open source recommendations


  1. It is used for one-click generation of file header comments and automatic update of the last editor and edit time, function comments automatic generation and parameter extraction.
  2. Plug-ins support all mainstream languages, powerful, flexible and convenient configuration, complete documentation, simple to eat!
  3. The plugin has been maintained since May 2018, 3K+ Star, and issue 300+ has been closed
  4. At present, it has more than 250K+ users and more than 100-400 VSCode chart installation users daily, helping users develop good coding habits and standardizing the style of the whole team.

Automatically generate and update header comments

Function annotation parameter generation and parameter automatic extraction


Git commit – this is a VSCode plugin for Git automatic commit. It can be used to supplement the previous forget to commit, and help you to fill the green box on your home page.



To contact me

Gold digging, front-end advanced accumulation, official account, GitHub, wechat :OBkoro1, email: [email protected]