I think you will have the habit of bookmarking when browsing the web. But slowly bookmarks will become more and more, very difficult to manage, want to find the previous collection of bookmarks to keep turning, very inconvenient. The plug-in introduced today is designed to solve this pain point.

IBookmark Bookmarks collection

Create the best Chrome bookmarks and favorites plugin.

1. Show your favorites in a list. Compared with the tree, you can see all the urls directly without clicking layer by layer;

2. Support search, quick search;

3. Support new collection sites under a category;

4. Click the website icon to modify and delete the book label;

5. Support the most frequently visited statistics, the most commonly used URL at the top;

6. Support the display of newly added URLS.

Plug-in screenshots

With this plug-in to enjoy the collection bar, no amount of bookmarks are not afraid. It takes no time to find the bookmark you want. In the future, you can also import all bookmarks from other browsers into Chrome for better unified management.

Address: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ibookmark-bookmarks/fnfchnalfnjbjbfeccpophocngdgapad?utm_source=gmail

Write at the end: Bookmark, follow, like.