RSS is a standard web content delivery protocol, by parsing RSS we can get updates of web content.

Feedbro is a Chrome extension that allows you to view RSS feeds directly from your browser.

Localization of Feedbro

Localization script from if the network can not open in some areas, Can be used directly my backup source for localization

Looking for RSS feeds

Find your favorite website. If you can find the RSS hyperlink in the title bar or bottom bar or sidebar, it is best. If you can’t find it, you can only guess, for example, append/RSS or /feed to the domain name.

To save you time, I created an open source project to collect and automatically crawl RSS content, called “Ga! RSS”,… As of February 27, 2021, there are 69 commonly used RSS feeds, which will be expanded

Add an RSS feed to Feedbro

How do I get RSS updates?

In Feedbro, RSS feeds are automatically scanned and updated every 30 minutes by default, although you can change this interval to longer or shorter.

If you must manually update, you can hit the Refresh button on the home page (it’s not a quick kill, it’s not used in most cases).

If the default layout does not satisfy you, you can manually select your preferred layout interface

Background also provides a variety of mainstream style interface UI, can be adjusted as needed

Look at this, doesn’t it smell like a hammer note

With the adjustment of typesetting, you will have the illusion of reading the public number in the hammer note pad

To add read and favorites to the article, right-click to preview the title and open the article in a new TAB

Feedbro download link




Github offline installation package…


In today’s information explosion, everyone gets a lot of information, but because of the abuse of recommendation algorithm, most of the information is homogenized; By subscribing to RSS feeds from multiple sites, we can keep the information we receive unbiased, listen to the opinions of hundreds of people, and do the right thing.

At the end (I need your support)

  • This article is part of the Chrome plugin heroes List project. The project address:…

  • This article is part of the ChromeAppHeroes project. Github link:…

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