Cloud virtual host is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises and personal websites. If the server is compared to an office building, then the virtual host is the space divided into many blocks of the same size “office”. Each office has an independent or shared domain name and IP address and functions as a full Internet server.

When we choose cloud virtual host, we need to pay attention to the following issues:

1. The demand

According to their own needs to choose cloud virtual host, such as your requirements for the site configuration is high, you can choose the exclusive cloud virtual host; The configuration requirements of the site is low, the capital is limited, you can choose to share the cloud virtual host. Then according to the cloud virtual host and their own program compatibility to choose.

2. Qualification of service provider

Through the Internet to understand the host manufacturer’s qualifications, reputation and feedback, to determine whether they have a formal business license, business license, etc. I understand that like bird cloud, Ali cloud is more, bird cloud sex ratio is high, Ali cloud big factory brand, like this manufacturer qualification is better.

3. Set parameters

Then comes the important step, which is parameter configuration. The parameter configuration includes the region of the cloud virtual host, the IP type of the cloud virtual host, the operating system of the cloud virtual host, CPU occupancy, disk space and bandwidth size, and so on.

There are also configured cloud virtual host, according to the needs to choose good, more trouble.

4. Virtual host function

Take a detailed look at the cloud virtual host control panel to provide support for the site, because in the process of doing SEO optimization, it will involve some configuration of the virtual host. Since I’m using Birdie Cloud, here’s how their control panel supports the site:

5. Understand the extensibility of virtual hosting

Because the business will expand in the future, cloud virtual host needs to be expanded, it is necessary to consider in the configuration, to avoid the trouble caused by late data migration.

6. After-sale technical support

After sales is related to the loss degree of the site operation, can fast response, can quickly help solve problems, these are all need to consider.

Learn more: Bird Clouds