Why is the US manned moon landing a fake? Hard error is earth-moon color TV broadcast, earth-moon communication without delay. The Chinese rover, for example, has a 16bps Internet connection to the ground. That’s two bytes. What does that do?

Of course, it is different now, with powerful computers, 100 times more compression technology, relay satellite transfer, ground antennas and so on.

The average speed of communication between the rover and the orbiter was 20 Megabits per second (20 megabits of broadband), which was fast enough, but in reality the rover could only communicate with the orbiter once a day for about 8-10 minutes at a time, transmitting up to 1.5 GIGABytes of data at full time.

The surround device is equipped with low gain transceiver antenna, medium gain transmitting antenna, high gain transceiver antenna combination, as well as solid state amplifier, traveling wave tube amplifier. Under normal measurement and control mode, the data transmission speed is 2000bps upstream (1.95Kbps), 16384bps downstream (16Kbps). The emergency measurement and control mode is 7.8125 BPS upstream and 32bps downstream (after coding), and the data transmission bit rate is 16-4096 KBPS (2-512KB/s), the highest equivalent to the traditional 4 mbit /s broadband. However, due to orbital reasons, it can not communicate with the Earth at least half of the time every day.

(This place is also not very clear, if there is a picture).