Cheerio is a fast, flexible jQuery core implementation specially customized for the server.

For example

const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const $ = cheerio.load('<h2 class="title">Hello world</h2>');

$('h2.title').text('Hello there! ');


Hello there!

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  • Similar syntax: Cheerio includes a subset of the jQuery core. Cheerio removes all the DOM inconsistencies and browser awkwardness from the jQuery library and reveals its really elegant API.
  • Lightning block: Cheerio works on top of a very simple, consistent DOM model. Parsing, manipulation, and rendering all become incredibly efficient. The basic end-to-end benchmark shows Cheerio to be about eight times faster (8x) than JSDOM.
  • Flexibility: Cheerio encapsulates compatible HTMLParser. Cheerio can parse almost any HTML and XML document.

The installation

npm install cheerio
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Initialize the

First you need to load the HTML. With Cheerio, we need to pass in the HTML document.

const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const $ = cheerio.load('
); Copy the code

Commonly used API

Cheerio’s selector works almost the same as jQuery, so the API is very similar.


The selector searches the Context scope, which in turn searches the Root scope. Selector and context can be a string expression, a DOM element, an array of DOM elements, or a Cheerio object. Root is usually an HTML docstring.

//=> Apple

$('ul .pear').attr('class')
//=> pear

//=> <li class="orange">Orange</li>
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Get and modify properties. Only the attributes of the first element can be obtained from matched elements. If an attribute is set to NULL, the attribute is removed. You can also pass a pair of keys, or a function.

//=> fruits

//=> <li class="apple" id="favorite">Apple</li>
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Get and modify values for input, SELECT, and textarea.

=> input_text

=> <input type="text" value="test"/>
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Delete attributes by name

//=> <li>Pear</li>
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hasClass( className )

Checks if the matched element has the given class name

//=> true

//=> false

//=> true
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Add class(es) to all matched elements. You can also pass functions

//=> <li class="pear fruit">Pear</li>

$('.apple').addClass('fruit red').html()
//=> <li class="apple fruit red">Apple</li>
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Removes one or more classes separated by Spaces from selected elements. If the className is not defined, all classes will be removed and the function can be passed.

//=> <li class="">Pear</li>

//=> <li class="">Apple</li>
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is.(selector) , is(function(index))

Return true for any element that matches selector. If you use a decision function, the decision function is executed on the selected element, so this refers to the current element.


Gets a descendant filtered by the selector in the matched element.

/ / = > 3
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Gets the parent of each matched element, optionally filtered by selector.

/ / = > 2
/ / = > 1
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For each element in the collection, the first matching element is obtained by testing that element against the ancestor element in the DOM hierarchy.

/ / = > []
/ / = > []
// => [<li class="orange">Orange</li>]
// => [<ul id="fruits"> ... </ul>]
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Gets the sibling element after the first element

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//=> true
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Get all sibling elements after this element

//=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>, <li class="pear">Pear</li>]
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Gets the first sibling element before this element

//=> true
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Get all sibling elements up to this element

//=> [<li class="orange">Orange</li>, <li class="apple">Apple</li>]
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Gets the elements in the selected range

//=> 'Orange'

/ / = > 1
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Get the selected sibling element, remove itself?

/ / = > 2

/ / = > 1
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Gets the children of the selected element

/ / = > 3

//=> Pear
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each(function(index, element))

Iterating over a Cheerio object, performing a function for each matched element. When the callback is fired, the function is fired in the context of the DOM element, so this refers to the current element, which is equivalent to the function parameter element. To break out of the loop early, return false.

var fruits = [];

$('li').each(function(i, elem) {
  fruits[i] = $(this).text();

fruits.join(', ');
//=> Apple, Orange, Pear
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map(function(index, element))

Iterating over a Cheerio object, performing a function for each matched element. The Map returns an array of iteration results. the function is fired in the context of the DOM element, so this refers to the current element, Which is equivalent to the function parameter element.

$('li').map(function(i, el) {
  // this === el
  return $(this).attr('class');
}).join(', ');
//=> apple, orange, pear
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filter(selector), filter(function(index))

Iterating over a Cheerio object, filtering out elements that match the selector or function passed in. If the function method is used, the function is executed on the selected element, so this points to the current element.

// Selector
//=> orange

// Function
$('li').filter(function(i, el) {
  // this === el
  return $(this).attr('class') = = ='orange';
//=> orange
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The first element of the chreeio object is selected

//=> Apple
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The last element of the chreeio object is selected

//=> Pear
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Filter matched elements by index. Use.eq(-i) to count forward from the last element.

//=> Apple

//=> Pear
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Append (content, [the content… )

Insert a child element at the end of each element

$('ul').append('<li class="plum">Plum</li>')
  • Apple
  • //
  • Orange
  • //
  • Pear
  • //
  • Plum
  • // Copy the code

    The prepend (the content, the content,… )

    Insert a child element at the beginning of each element

    $('ul').prepend('<li class="plum">Plum</li>')
    • Plum
    • //
    • Apple
    • //
    • Orange
    • //
    • Pear
    • // Copy the code

      After (the content, the content,… )

      Insert an element after each matched element

      $('.apple').after('<li class="plum">Plum</li>')
      • Apple
      • //
      • Plum
      • //
      • Orange
      • //
      • Pear
      • // Copy the code

        Before (the content, the content,… )

        Insert an element before each matched element

        $('.apple').before('<li class="plum">Plum</li>')
        • Plum
        • //
        • Apple
        • //
        • Orange
        • //
        • Pear
        • // Copy the code

          remove( [selector] )

          Removes matching elements and their children from the DOM. Selectors are used to filter the elements to be deleted.

          • Apple
          • //
          • Orange
          • // Copy the code

            replaceWith( content )

            Replace the matched elements

            var plum = $('<li class="plum">Plum</li>'The $()'.pear').replaceWith(plum)
            //=> <ul id="fruits">
          • Apple
          • //
          • Orange
          • //
          • Plum
          • // Copy the code


            Empties an element, removing all child elements

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              html( [htmlString] )

              Gets the HTML string of the element. If htmlString has any content, it will replace HTML.

              //=> Orange
              $('#fruits').html('<li class="mango">Mango</li>').html()
              //=> <li class="mango">Mango</li>
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              text( [textString] )

              Gets the text content of the element, including child elements. If a textString is specified, the text content of each element is replaced.

              //=> Orange
              //=> Apple
              // Orange
              // Pear
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              Get all the elements in the DOM and convert them into arrays.

              //=> [{...}, {...}, {...}]
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              Clone the Cheerio object

              const moreFruit = $('#fruits').clone()
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              Sometimes you want to find the top root element, so $.root() gets it:

              $.root().append('<ul id="vegetables"></ul>').html();
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                $.contains( container, contained )

                Check to see if the contained element is a child of the Container element

                $.parseHTML( data [, context ] [, keepScripts ] )

                Parse strings into DOM node arrays. The context parameter has no meaning for Chreeio, but is used to maintain APi compatibility.