Embedded content

The content of this chapter does not feel very important, or I can not understand it.

Image — Embedded image

To add an image to an HTML document, the SRC attribute is the address of the image. The Alt attribute is an alternative if the image cannot be loaded.

<img src="Luomu.jpg" alt="The picture is gone." />
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A, image– Embed images in hyperlinks

<a href="www.baidu.com">
    <img src="Luomu.jpg" alt="The picture is gone." />
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Map, area– Create partition response

You can add a USEMAP attribute to the IMG element, which is the map element’s name(plus ‘#’). You can click different parts of the picture to jump to different RUL.

Map element contains area element. The area element has href, Shape, and Coords attributes.

  • hrefRUL for jump
  • shapeRepresents the shape of the region. Values arerect,circle,poly,default
  • coordsRepresents the scope of the region
<img src="Luomu.jpg" alt="The picture is gone." usemap="#mymap"/>
<map name="mymap">
    <area href="www.baidu.com" shape="" coords="" />
    <area href="www.baidu.com" shape="" coords="" />
    <area href="www.baidu.com" shape="" coords="" />
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Iframe – Embed another HTML

Iframe can open a page in one browser in another.

<a href="bendi.html" target="myframe">baidu</a>
<iframe name="myframe" width="300" height="100"></iframe>
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Embed content through plug-ins

This is the part I find most mystifying through the embed embed video

<embed width="560" height="349" 
allowfullscreen="true" />
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Embed video through Object

<object width="560" height="349"
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true">
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Progress — Displays progress

Progress Displays a progress bar. There are two elements: value and Max. Value defines the current progress; Max defines the maximum value.

<progress value="10" max="100">
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