“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

The 2022 annual plan is a bit early.

In fact, in early November, I started thinking about my 30 plan:

According to the book that I read at that time, “Just Do 2021”, the whole “Annual plan”.

It’s not half done yet, because of work problems, need to support other development teams, so put it on hold.

In the process of support, I was worried because I knew too little, so I worked overtime every day to study and write demands, so the plan fell down.

Last updated on 09.03 was about Chimelong Tourism (although I keep a record of what I do on GitHub every day, the flow journal is boring and the dull heart needs to burn up)

After writing your needs recently, you have the energy to continue to struggle and burn your enthusiasm for the future, so keep learning and write it down!

A foreword to oneself & the past cannot bear to look back

At that time, MORE or less, I thought of a little bit of midlife crisis. When I was 24 years old at that time, MY answer was that I almost went bald. But experience is always a kind of hard injury, not too much attention to lead to very passive.

  • 18 years busy learning H5, Vue and whole ECharts as well as wechat small programs, and preparing for the first time job-hopping
  • I succeeded in job-hopping in 19 years (the record of Moving house at that time), but THE position I might enter was not what I wanted, so I was very anxious, so I polished algorithms every day and sorted out series-LeetCode.
  • In July, 20, I started to resign and review naked. Then I realized how weak my project experience was, but I was unable to supplement it, so I succeeded in job-hunting in November, 20 (the interview materials I called Jsliang’s Eight stock Library series – Interview Materials).
  • In 21 years, I have done 2 things and succeeded in becoming a regular employee. Besides, I dare not make mistakes when talking about my girlfriend

One taste, I feel very failed, 3 and a half years seems very busy, but it seems that nothing has been done.

When money is not saved, one is old

Scared jsliang hurriedly broadcast a “nothing” listen to:

Of course, in recent years, I have also wanted to do many things:

  • A whole knowledge base of their own
  • Double your salary once
  • Tour card all over Guangdong
  • Be good at a skill (algorithms, exercise…)
  • Have 3 or more after-sleep income

Unfortunately there is no if, not the whole is not the whole good.

I don’t regret it. I just hope I can adjust as much as possible to achieve my personal goals based on my current situation:

Everything is easy to begin, but hard to persist

Speaking of this sentence, we can pour out the bitter water (shui Article) :

  • The failure case, maybe it’s an algorithm thing, right? It is a pity that I did not take advantage of the hot iron, to comb down their own cognition of the algorithm (give up halfway, blood loss for half a year).
  • A successful example might be exercising 3km a day? The total mileage of my sports APP is 507.95km (2020-2021), and the total mileage of this year is 361.75 (2021.1.1-2021.11.29).

In fact, I feel that I will gain a great sense of achievement if I stick to anything. Even for the failure example above, I have clocked in for a long time and only need the last mile: the final output…

That’s jsliang’s equivalent of an annual round-up for 2021.

Of course, I know, see here you may be teasing: this?

Yes, that’s it! While I can rationalize myself and hope to find more fulfillment, the truth is:

Not everyone’s life is colorful every year, everyone wants to be what students, but everyone has become a big hero.

Two or three year plan & for the 30-year-old self

The past four years have been blind, but at least I dare not forget my roots:

How important is it to know what you want

  • So if you want to travel, you have a plan, you want to go to a particular city, and then you have a plan for the day, and then you have a series of operations
  • If you want to lose weight, you should think about how much weight you can lose without a belly, so you will move to see how to do

Since I want to do something, I always write down my vision:

  • Zhaohuaxishi – To the 30-year-old Self

Image from “Just do 2021”, not for commercial use, infringement must be deleted

This article is a big pie for the future, the length is a little long, so I took it out and wrote it separately. I hope I can make progress in five major aspects and achieve something.

Jsliang GitHub repository small egg: This article is stored in 2025 directory, belongs to “strategic article”

I have worked for more than 3 years. I have wanted a lot but written little.

But write down the moment, as if these words engraved in the heart, pain with a little hope.

That’s my three-year plan. What about you? Welcome to ridicule ~

Three small goals for 2022: Go forward

Now that you’ve figured out what your 30-year-old self looks like, make sure you make it happen every single year.

What do I want to be in 2022? Something like this:

Image from “Just do 2021”, not for commercial use, infringement must be deleted

3.1 life

Pictures from the network, do not do commercial, infringement must be deleted

  • Work and rest: Keep a good sleep routine from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m
  • tourism: “10H * 48” completed by 2022/12/31,Each city has at least one scenic spot, wander through 24 sites and travel for at least 48 days.
    • Project 2022 – Punching in Guangdong
    • Current Total time consumed Progress (days) : “18/48”
    • Total progress of current scenic spots: “9/24”
  • exercise: “1H * 150” runs 3km every day and clocks in at least 150/365 days annually

3.2 skills

Pictures from the network, do not do commercial, infringement must be deleted

  • Video production: Make 3 series of videos
    • “3H * 24” travel VLog: issue 24
    • “3H * 24” Programmer daily: 24 issues
    • “3H * 24” game production: 1 series
  • The article output: “3H * 156” public account output 156 articles
  • live: “2H * 150” live broadcast 2 hours a day, annual clocking time at least 150/365 days
  • Books are written“0.5H * 5 * 52” Write a book with 21 chapters

3.3 summary

Some small partners will be surprised: ah! Do you have enough time to do all this?

Time required to achieve the annual goal ______, one year disposable time ______?

Let’s make a list:

  • Work and rest: Normal work and rest, ignored
  • Live broadcast: “2H * 150” (learning and output during live broadcast are ignored)
  • Exercise: “1H * 150”
  • Video production: “3 * 3H * 24”
  • Article output: “3h * 156”
  • Travel: “10H * 48”
  • Book preparation: 0.5H * 5 * 52

If it takes longer to reach your annual goal than you planned, then you don’t meet it, so you can simply do the math:

Pictures from the network, do not do commercial, infringement must be deleted

First, 2h + 0.5h + 2.5h = 5h on weekdays and 10h on weekends.

Some of you may wonder how 2+0.5+2.5 comes out. We will introduce it in detail in the next section

So 25 + 20 = 45 hours per week, or 2340 hours per 52 weeks per year.

Then, the time we need for the above list is 1744h.

Therefore, we have enough time to clean up the output, and the remaining 596h is for some additional learning, such as book writing, or learning about video production/post-production, shooting, etc.

3.4 Routine/study

Jsliang has 5h of study time every day, so how does it come?

  • Sleep: 23:00
  • Get up early: 6:30
  • Study [2H] : 7:00-9:00
  • Work: 9:00-12:00
  • Lunch: 12:00 PM
    • Lunch: 12:00 – now
    • Study [0.5H] : 12:40-13:20
    • Nap: – he then
  • Work: PM – 18:00
  • Exercise: at 19:00 PM
  • Study [2.5H] : 20:30-23:00

Of course, Jsliang is not a robot, so it can’t stick to it day after day, so the above time is dynamically adjustable, but it can roughly achieve 5h of learning time every day (unless I am lazy).

Four summarizes

Pictures from the network, do not do commercial, infringement must be deleted

Above, that is my 2021 annual summary and 2022 annual plan, compared with the previous years are written separately, this time I really prepared a lot:

  • Zhaohuaxishi – To the 30-year-old Self
  • Project 2022 – Punching in Guangdong

Of course, THE content of this article, I will also insist on clocking, welcome everyone to participate in mutual encouragement:

  • “2022”

So, the annual plan, from November to now, finally finished, here to announce the 2022 rollup front start, welcome friends to comment and make fun of the collection ~

We’ll see at the end of 2022!

Jsliang’s document library is licensed by Junrong Liang under the Creative Commons Attribution – Non-commercial – Share alike 4.0 International License. Based on the github.com/LiangJunron… On the creation of works. Outside of this license agreement authorized access can be from creativecommons.org/licenses/by… Obtained.