
Laptop Centos7 minimum installation, no network cable, only network card.

Wireless connection

No IFConfig, no IW, and no Internet.

Wireless card on

 ip addr # command to check the nic number
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ip link set wlp3s0 up Activate the wireless network interface
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ip link show wlp3s0 # Check whether the interface is activated successfully
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Connection command

wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp3s0 -c <(wpa_passphrase "ssid" "psk")
# connect to the specified SSID, replace the SSID with the actual network name, replace the PSK with the wireless password, please keep the quotes
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dhclient wlp3s0 Get the IP address (take a little longer here)

ip addr show wlp3s0
Check whether the IP address is successfully obtained through DHCP. If the IP address is allocated, you can access the Internet
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Dhclient fails to obtain an IP address

Stopped NetworkManger

systemctl stop NetworkManager
systemctl disable NetworkManager
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Reboot the machine and reconnect it again.

Automatic startup connection

The wireless network card is not started. 2. Wifi cannot be automatically connected after starting. 3

Install the NetworkManager – wifi

yum -y install NetworkManager-wifi
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Start the NetworkManager

 service NetworkManager start # start
 chkconfig NetworkManager on Set autoboot
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Wifi connection

nmcli r wifi on # open wifi
nmcli dev wifi # Scan signal
nmcli d wifi connect "ssid" password "psk" # Connection (wireless SSID, password PSK)
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Failed to restart the network

nmcli c  Check your network connection
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Delete all wireless connections in turn

nmcli c delete  987efa7c-3f51-4c77-af03-5401b97d6dd6 # uuid
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nmcli d wifi connect "ssid" password "psk" # reconnect
ip addr Check the connection status
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If the wifi is still not connected, restart the machine and try again.