
I recently decided to move to Linux servers in preparation for the subsequent Docker containerization and K8S service choreography. In my daily development, I use Windows Server server most, and Linux server has used some common commands. Recently evening xiuxian watch video and online information, is a bit familiar with Linux.

This article mainly deals with content

  • Log in to the server without a password over SSH
  • Linux user and user group management
  • RPM package installation, local YUM source build, Ali yum source use
  • Install Mysql, change the root password, forget the root password

Content practice environment

  • Cenos 7
  • MacOs Catalina 10.15.2
  • The terminal uses iterm2

SSH Connection server

When you get tired of entering your account and password again and again, try SHH public and private key login.

Enter the following command to connect to the remote server
ssh mflyyou
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1. Generate public and private keys

ssh-keygen -o -t rsa  -b 4096
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2. Copy the public key remote server

The public key ends

# ssh-copy-id -i {public key absolute path} {remote server username}@{remote server IP address}SSH - copy - id - I/Users/zhangpanqin /. SSH/test_local_server pub [email protected]Copy the code

This command copies the contents of the specified public key to the specified user (Parallels) on the remote server. This allows the user to log in later without entering a password.

Run the above command, equivalent to copy the public key content to/home/parallels /. SSH/authorized_keys.

Windows system without SSH – copy – id, you can manually copy the contents of the public key to the/home/parallels /. SSH/authorized_keys

3. Configure private key authentication on the local PC

SSH /config on the local PC add the following information.

  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  User parallels
  IdentityFile /Users/zhangpanqin/.ssh/test_local_server
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Manage users and user groups

Linux manages the system with files. Good user management facilitates server security. This piece I saw the video and materials are recommended for different applications using different users. The user who installed the program does not have administrator privileges. When administrator privileges are required, use sudo to enhance access.

The user to create

# create mflyyou user and create mflyyou group
adduser mflyyou
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# Change the password of mflyYou, command will prompt you to enter the password passwd mflyyou

The user created above does not have the ability to upgrade sudo, so you need to modify /etc/sudoers to take effect.

Change the writability of the file by running it under root
chmod  700 /etc/sudoers

# /etc/sudoers: mflyYou ALL=(ALL) PASSWD:ALL root ALL=(ALL) ALL mflyyou ALL=(ALL) PASSWD:ALL

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Change the file /etc/sudoers to read-only after granting permissions chmod 400 /etc/sudoers

Assign read/write execution permissions to files (folders)

To prevent other users from modifying the current user’s file content, for security purposes.

You need to assign permissions to the folder or file of the installed program. 4 read r, 2 edit W,1 execute x

chmod 754 /opt/config
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Example Modify the read, edit, and execute permissions of users, user groups, and others to which /opt/config belongs. Owning user: Read, Edit, execute, 7 Owning group: Read, execute, 5 Others: Read, 4

Modify the owning user and user group of a folder or file

/opt/config = admin; /opt/config = admin
chonw -R admin:admin  /opt/config 
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The RPM package

Linux is divided into source packages and RPM packages. Source code package we need to compile, and then install, relatively high degree of freedom. The RPM package is a binary package compiled by the manufacturer. It is similar to the Windows. exe package. However, dependencies need to be handled during RPM package installation. Hence, the YUM management RPM package was born. Yum usually needs to be connected to the Internet. Sometimes, the deployed server does not have a network. We can mount a CD or A USB disk to build a local YUM source.

One of the benefits of RPM package installation is that we do not need to configure environment variables. Packages are already built in.

For example, we install the JDK and download the JDK RPM package from the official website.

Install the RPM package

Install the RPM packageRPM -IVh Full name of the packageCopy the code

Example Query the installed RPM package

The RPM - qa | grep package nameCopy the code

Uninstall the RPM package

The RPM -e package nameCopy the code

Query the RPM package to which the file belongs

RPM also provides the query file to which package, we can judge whether the file is a Trojan.

RPM -qf Specifies the name of the system fileCopy the code

Verify the changes made after the RPM package is installed

Sometimes after we install packages, we want to know which modification files have changed. RPM also provides capability queries.

The RPM -v package nameCopy the code

Where will query resources in RPM packages be installed

Sometimes, we want to know where RPM will install packages

# query the package installation locationThe RPM - ql package nameCopy the code

Extract files from RPM

There could be a situation where we delete the Java executable file. But you don’t want to reinstall the JDK. We can export specific execution files from the corresponding RPM packages. Or the corresponding system command ll.

Extract missing files from RPM packagesRpm2cpio JDK - 13.0.1 _linux - x64_bin. RPM | cpio - idv. / usr/Java/JDK - 13.0.1 / bin/JavaCopy the code

The preceding command is equivalent to decompressing the RPM package when cPIo-idv and a file path. That is to extract the formulated document.

Decompress the RPM package to the current relative pathRpm2cpio JDK - 13.0.1 _linux - x64_bin. RPM | cpio - idvCopy the code

If you install mysql-server, the mysql-server depends on the client package, and the client package depends on the common package and the lib package. Keep getting errors when you RPM install, and then you keep installing dependencies that don’t exist. It’s annoying to think about it, so YUM has freed our hands.

Yum install

The speed of the foreign yum source is relatively slow, using Ali cloud to provide a mirror of the yum source, the speed is very fast, give Ali praise.

Change the yum source to Ali mirror

# backup the yum configuration file so that it can be recovered after errors
mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup

# download ali yum source wget - O/etc/yum repos. D/CentOS - Base. Repo

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Clear the package cache and load the Ali mirror package cache yum clean all yum makecache

Just download the configuration for the specified system, which Ali has already done for us.

Yum install

# list all packages
yum list

# yum Search

Yum -y install yum -y install

Yum -y update yum -y update yum -y update

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# Uninstall packages, try not to uninstallYum -y remove The package name

Set up a local YUM source and install a source for a program. Save for installing mysql.

Mysql installation

Centos 7 does not provide Mysql as the database by default.

1, download the official Mysql yum source.

On the downside, RPM packages downloaded from this yum source are slow.

# Install yum Repositoty
sudo yum localinstall
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Mysql yum Reposity not installed

After executing the command, add mysql yum source, but these resources are foreign, download a little slow

Clear the old package cache and load the new yum source cache
yum clean all
yum makecache
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Query mysql – community – server

 yum list | grep "mysql.*-community.*server"
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Then install mysql-community-server

# It's a little slow
yum install mysql-community-server
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Mysql > install Mysql

The server downloads all dependency packages for Mysql


Unzip the downloaded packages under/MNT /local/packages.

Generate yum source information

cd /mnt/local
createrepo .
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Run the following command to generate yum source information

Configure the YUM source on the server

# Generate yum configuration file
sudo touch /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-local.repo

# centos-local. repo

# local_mysql_diy # local_mysql_diy # local_mysql_diy # local_mysql_diy # local_mysql_diy # local_mysql_diy # local_mysql_diy # local_mysql_diy

Baseurl =file:///mnt/local/

Gpgcheck =0

# enable local_mysql enabled=1

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# Key location gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7

Refresh the yum source

yum clean all
yum makecache
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Mysql installation

yum install mysql-community-server
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Start the Mysql

# start mysql
sudo systemctl enable mysqld
sudo systemctl start mysqld

Sudo systemctl status mysqld

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Query the initial password sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log

/etc/my.cnf /my.cnf /etc/my.cnf
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Change the password

# login mysql
mysql -u root -p123456
# change password
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'Root@2020';
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Mysql > create user

# create user
CREATE USER 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


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# authorization # the select, insert, update, delete the table data operation Alter table create alter table drop grant select.insert.update.delete.create.alter.drop on sonar.* to 'sonar'@The '%';

Mysql 8.0 forgot password

# edit config file,
vim /etc/my.cnf

Add skip-grant-tables under # [mysqld

Mysql systemctl restart mysqld

# password-free mysql

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Select * from mysql; Select host, user, authentication_string, plugin from user; Update user set authentication_string= "where user='root';Copy the code
# exit mysql
/etc/my.cnf [mysqld] skip-grant-tables
# restart mysql
systemctl restart mysqld
# login mysql

In case navicat fails to connect
ALTER USER 'sonar'@The '%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'Sonar@2020';
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Other commands

Checking port Usage

netstat -anp|grep 8080
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