About CCF CSP certification examination online evaluation system

CCF CSP Certification Exam introduction

CCF is short for China Computer Society. CCF Computer Software Proficiency Certification (CCF CSP certification examination for short) was launched by CCF in 2014, which is the earliest certification in the CCF computer professional qualification certification series. This certification focuses on the inspection of the actual programming ability of software developers, unified proposition, unified evaluation by the China Computer Society, entrusted to the examination institutions set up around the certification examination.

  1. Time: CCF CSP certification will be held in March, September and December each year.
  2. Format: 5 programming questions are set for each certification, with increasing difficulty. There are several test cases for each programming problem, with a full score of 100 for each problem and a full score of 500 for certification.
  3. Evaluation method: Score is obtained for each test case passed. The score will be displayed within seconds to minutes after the code is submitted. The highest score will be taken as the criterion for multiple submissions, and there will be no penalty points. After each examination, the questions will be uploaded to the official question bank for examinees to practice at ordinary times.
  4. The official website can be found here.
  5. Please click on the official q&A pagehere. Note that there is a lot of important information on the official q&A page. Please read it carefully. Such as:
    1. Please refer to point 6 on the Q&A page for the assessment environment for the CSP certification exam.
    2. How to do questions in CCF CSP certification examination online evaluation system can refer to the q&A page 11.
    3. Please refer to point 12 on the Q&A page.

How do I choose a compilation environment and IDE

The CCF CSP exam mainly supports C/C++, Java and Python. According to the official question page 11, these three languages have the same time limit. Java and Python do not give additional time space. Obviously, the same algorithm, C/C++ language is the fastest, space consumption is the least. Therefore, I recommend readers to use C/C++ as the programming language for the exam. Since C++ is backward compatible and compatible with C, I recommend the latest version of the C++ standard (currently C++14) compiled by CCF CSP. As for the choice of specific IDE, it is necessary to refer to personal habits and examination room environment. Different exams offer different ides. I strongly recommend VSCode if it is installed.

CCF Common assessment results in THE CSP exam

  1. Correctly indicating that the code passed all test points. This should be your favorite and easiest to understand.
  2. An error means that the code passes some or none of the test points, often indicating a bug in the algorithm, a failure to consider boundary cases, or even an algorithm that is simply wrong and just happens to pass the sample. It is also possible that the output of some additional information is not required in the question, or the information is omitted.
  3. Compilation error Code failed to compile. This error is usually caused by checking to see if the submitted code can be compiled on the local compiler. If you compile correctly, you need to consider whether you have chosen the wrong compilation environment.
  4. The most common of these errors are segment errors, such as out-of-bounds array, illegal use of null Pointers and other illegal memory access behaviors. In addition, errors may be floating point errors (such as divisor 0, module 0) and recursive stack burst caused by too deep layers in recursion.
  5. Runtime timeout is usually caused by the time complexity of the algorithm so that the program runs longer than the upper limit specified in the problem. It is also possible that there is an infinite loop in the code.
  6. Memory out of limit The memory space used by the program exceeded the limit specified in the problem. This kind of error is relatively rare, and the main reason for this error is that the array is too large.

CCF CSP certification examination features

In my experience, the CCF CSP certification exam is quite different from other CCF CSP and PAT exams. While the common CCF CSP and PAT exams tend to focus on common data structures and algorithms, the CCF CSP certification exams are closer to solving real-world problems. Almost every problem is a concrete simulation of real life and requires us to program to solve some real problem. Compared with PAT examination, CCF CSP certification examination is characterized by long topic description, many boundary cases, large amount of code, cumbersome procedures. This requires each examinee to have a high psychological quality, solid programming skills to be able to complete the code in a short time quickly, accurately, rigorous and meticulous writing. To achieve this in the examination room, you need to do a lot of practice, it has nothing to do with INTELLIGENCE and talent, just sweat and hard work, there is no shortcut to find. So students who want to get a good score in the exam should be prepared to sweat and work hard.