This is what happens when you encounter such an interface during CRUD

<MachineModel machModelId="915432156" machModelName="Failure standard drive chain" machLayoutStatus="0">

 <item machModelId="915432156" itemtype="Seven" id="915432156 _1" name="Planet" bearingType="SRB/CARB" 

          bearingCompany="FAG" ftf="0.455" bsf="10.718" bpfo="13.64" bpfi="16.36" position_x="127" 

          position_y="150" speedRate="0.008350566967190259" left="8" right="16">


 <item machModelId="915432156" itemtype="Seven" id="915432156 _2" name="Stars" bearingType="F-573602.NCF-WPOS" 

          bearingCompany="FAG" ftf="0.476" bsf="20.7" bpfo="30.9" bpfi="34.1" position_x="287" 

          position_y="150" speedRate="0.008350566967190259" left="16" right="3">



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The back end reads the XML configuration file back to me and asks me to get the location of the data on the tag on the page for presentation. Huh?

Temporarily no good ideas, then directly innerHtml then document. The getElementsByTagName.

When you’re done, it’s not very maintainable. I think it is possible to use vUE’s template parsing code for reference (copy), parse the template string, and get the data on the label.


const ncname = `[a-zA-Z_][\\-\\.0-9_a-zA-Z]*`// aaa- BBB // namespace

const qnameCapture = ` ((? :${ncname}\ \ :)?${ncname}) `// ? : indicates that matches are not captured

const startTagOpen = new RegExp(` ^ <${qnameCapture}`); // The re at the beginning of the tag captures the tag name

const endTag = new RegExp(` ^ < \ \ /${qnameCapture}[^ >] * > `); // Match

const attribute = /^\s*([^\s"'<>\/=]+)(? :\s*(=)\s*(? :"([^"]*)"+|'([^']*)'+|([^\s"'=<>`]+)))? /// Match attribute

const startTagClose = /^\s*(\/?) >/// The end of the matching tag can also be a self-closing tag, so />

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Create the parseHtml function and create the helper function public HTML template string parameter in the form of a closure. Loop through HTML strings, handling different cases, and then intercept them.

 while (html) {

     let textEnd = html.indexOf('<')

     // Check whether it starts with <

     if (textEnd === 0) {

         // If it comes in, it could be the start tag or the end tag

         let startTagMatch = parseStartTag(html) 

         if (startTagMatch) {

             / / into the stack


             // If the autism and tag are matched

             if (startTagMatch.autoEnd) {

                 end(startTags[startTags.length - 1])


             continue // If the start tag matches, continue the next match


         // Try to match the end tag

         let endTagMatch = html.match(endTag)

         if (endTagMatch) {






     let text

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     if (textEnd >= 0) {

         text = html.substring(0, textEnd)


         // Remove the string, no additional processing is required



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The core function parses the start tag to get the required attributes

function parseStartTag({

    let start = html.match(startTagOpen)

    if (start) {

        const match = {

            tagName: start[1].// Matches the first group, which in this case is the tag name.

            attrs: []


        advance(start[0].length) // start[0] indicates the matched result

        let endT, attr;

        // If the closing tag is not matched and the attribute is matched, then the attribute is parsed

        while(! (endT = html.match(startTagClose)) && (attr = html.match(attribute))) {

            advance(attr[0].length) // Remove the attribute


                name: attr[1].

                value: attr[3] || attr[4] || attr[5]



        stack.push({ tagName: match.tagName, attrs: match.attrs })

        // This deals with autism and tags

        if (endT[0].trim() === '/ >' && html.trim().match(startTagClose)) {

            let endTagMatch = html.match(startTagClose)

            if (endTagMatch) {



            return { ...match, autoEndtrue }

        } else {

            advance(endT[0].length) // Remove > from the start tag

            return match




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To match the start tag, you need to push

 function start(tagName{



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To match the end tag, you need to push the stack. The purpose of the start and end tag push is to check whether the matched end tag is the last matched start tag, otherwise an error will be reported. Self-closing tags are handled in the parseStartTag function.

function end(tagName{


    if (tagName === startTags[startTags.length - 1]) {

        startTags.splice(- 1)

    } else {

        console.error('Start tag does not match end tag')

        // Perform exception handling



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Intercepts an HTML string

 function advance(n{

     html = html.substring(n)


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The complete code

The processing result returned

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