Can’t use Subversion Command line client: SVN The path to The Subversion executable is probably wrong. Fix it. In previous MAC versions, you only need to update CommandLineTools to make it available. However, in this MAC version, the SVN is not provided in CommandLineTools, so it is still unavailable after the update. First of all,

xcode-select --install
Copy the code

If prompted you have installed and updated you can execute the following code to remove the older version of CommandLineTools

sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
Copy the code

Go ahead and execute

xcode-select --install
Copy the code

Until CommandLineTools installation is complete.

Next we use Homebrew to install Subversion.

First check the version of Homebrew and update to the latest version (!! Subversion will not be installed.

Check the version

brew -v
Copy the code

Update to the latest version

 /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSl"
Copy the code

Select the uSTC download source, and enter Y to execute the script, then enter the computer password, and wait for its update.

Then perform

 brew options subversion
Copy the code
 brew install subversion
Copy the code

Wait until the installation succeeds. After the input

svn --version
Copy the code

Check the version. If the installation is successful, restart IDEA.