Line chart, we must have heard and contact, it is one of the most frequently used charts in our work, many enterprises in the data summary, year-end report, without it, using Excel line chart, PPT line chart or professional line chart software drawing.

Even now, we can use tools to present data, but there are still many people who cannot make line charts. Although Excel line charts and PPT line charts are very simple and convenient to use, they cannot be so comprehensive in color matching, theme and template.

This article xiaobian will specifically talk about how to draw line charts to be intuitive and high?

First, we need to know some basics about line charts.

A line chart is the data arranged in columns or rows of a worksheet that can be plotted onto a line chart. Line charts can show continuous data over time (based on common scale Settings), making them ideal for showing trends in data over equal time intervals.

The property of a line chart is that all values are evenly distributed along a vertical axis.

Compared with bar chart and fan chart, line chart can show the trend of data change and reflect the change of things. Line chart can not only represent the quantity, but also reflect the development and change of the same thing at different times.

When drawing line charts, we should pay attention to the following:

(1) to have a name and production date;

(2) Draw the horizontal axis and the vertical axis to represent the items and quantities respectively and specify the units;

(3) to determine the number of units on the vertical axis;

(4) Tracing points to be accurate, after tracing points, use line segments to connect these points in sequence, it is best to mark the number on the point;

(5) If it is a compound broken line statistical chart, do not omit drawing examples.

As mentioned above, function image is a kind of expression of function, every point on the function image has a definite meaning, it represents pairs of values of independent variables and dependent variables, that is to say, if you take any point on the function image, there will be corresponding values of independent variables and dependent variables of the function. If you have a pair of independent variables and a pair of dependent variables, you have a corresponding point on the graph.

The following small series to their own professional line chart software Smite software Smartbi show the following line chart drawing the complete process.

1. Insert graphics

Select cells B2 to D3 and go to Insert > 2D Line Chart > Line Chart.

2. Select data

Select the graph, right-click and select data.

Then the window for selecting data source will pop up, select switch column and click Add, and the window for editing data series will pop up, add sales data, select C2 cell for series name and C3 cell for series value.

Click Edit to edit the horizontal (category) axis TAB and select cell B3 for the axis TAB.

3. Add legends

Click the Graphic Element button in the upper right corner of the graphic to add a legend using the Add Chart Element under the toolbar design.

4. Set the axes

Right-click the horizontal axis and choose Set Axis Format. The Set axis format window is displayed. In the dialog box that is displayed, set the vertical alignment of the text box to bottom alignment.

5. Set graphics

Switch the Settings window to series “Sales” for graphic Settings.

Set the sales line style to a gradient line.

6. Set the border of the chart

Right-click the border of the graph, select Set chart area format, pop up set chart area format window, check rounded corners.

7. Publish resources to view graphic effects

Place the graph on a table field, publish the resource and browse to see how the graph looks.

So simple line drawing, have you learned?