The problem

In the process of learning GRPC, two. Proto files are created, one is Memory and the other is GPU. The GPU needs to reference Menmoty

syntax = "proto3";

package proto;

option go_package = ". /; pd";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// Specify the build package name
option java_package = "com.zbc.proto";
// Specify the name of the generated class
option java_outer_classname = "Memory";

message Memory{
  enum Unit{
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    BIT = 1;
    BYTE = 2;
    KILOBYTE = 3;
    MEGABYTE = 4;
    GIGABYTE = 5;
    TERABYTE = 6;

  uint64 value = 1;
  Unit unit = 2;
Copy the code
syntax = "proto3";

package proto;

import "memory.proto";// This sentence is incorrect

option go_package = ". /; pd";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// Specify the build package name
option java_package = "com.zbc.test.proto";
// Specify the name of the generated class
option java_outer_classname = "Gpu";

message GPU {
    string brand = 1;
    string name = 2;
    double min_ghz = 3;
    double max_ghz = 4;
    Memory memory = 5; // This sentence is incorrect
Copy the code

The problem

The solution

In this case, the proto file is not set. The folder where the proto file is stored is the source file.

Right-click on the folder where the.proto file is located and set the directory to the source root directory, as shown below:

This will be fine, but it may not take effect immediately and will require a restartIDEA