1. the difference between arguments and parameters

  • The function name, parameter list, and return value make up the function
  • Parameters are defined when a function is defined, specifying the type and amount of data that the function accepts
  • An argument is a function call whose purpose is to initialize the parameter. The two are one-to-one, with matching type and number

2. Differences between parameters, local variables, and local static variables

  • Parameters and variables defined inside a function body are called local variables. They are local to a function because they are visible only within the scope of the function
  • The local variables inside the function body are divided into ordinary local variables and static local variables

Parameter and ordinary static local variables, when the function to a variable defined statement creates the object, the block at the end when they arrive in its definition, to destroy him, this life cycle is only during the execution object called automatic object Local static variables is special, throughout its life cycle after the function call and time. Its life cycle starts at the definition statement and ends at the end of the program