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Dynamic memory management in C language

๐Ÿ’ฆ malloc/calloc, realloc, and free

P2 calloc a space, P3 realloc P2, to P2 free? โ“

void Test (a)
	int* p1 = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
 	int* p2 = (int*)calloc(4.sizeof (int));
	int* p3 = (int*)realloc(p2, sizeof(int) *10);
Copy the code

๐Ÿ“ instructions

This is where realLOc comes inSo it’s not good to write the above program:The difference between Malloc/Calloc /realloc

Malloc -> open space

Calloc is equivalent to malloc + memset(0) -> open space + initialization

Realloc can realize malloc effect when used alone (not initialize) – > open space | malloc/calloc spatial expansion

C++ memory management

C memory management can continue to be used in C++, but there are places where it is ineffective and cumbersome to use, so C++ has introduced its own approach to memory management: dynamic memory management through the new and DELETE operators.

๐Ÿ’ฆ new/delete Built-in type of the operation

int main(a)
	/ / library functions
	int* p1 = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
	// Operator/keyword
	int* p2 = new int;
	delete p2;

	return 0;
Copy the code

๐Ÿ“ instructions

What is the difference between malloc/free and new/delete โ“

  • If the dynamically applied object is of built-in type, then malloc and Free are no different
  • There is a difference between malloc and free if the dynamically applied object is of a custom type

๐Ÿ’ฆ New and delete user-defined types

class A
	A(int a = 0/*int b = 0*/)
		cout << "A()" << endl;	
		cout << "~A()" << endl;	
	int _a;
int main(a)
	A* p3 = (A*)malloc(sizeof(A));
	A* p4 = new A;
	//A* p4 = new A(10);
	//A* p4 = new A(10, 20);
	delete p4;
	/ / array
	int* p5 = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);

	int* p6 = new int[10];

	A* p7 = new A[10];// Call 10 constructs
	delete[]p7;// Call destructor 10 times
	return 0;
Copy the code

๐Ÿ“ instructions

  • For the built-in types malloc/free only opens/frees space
  • Custom types new/delete not only open/free space, but also call constructors and destructors — constructors can be called, and multiple arguments can be passed

Note that we don’t need the default constructor for class new A; However, the default constructor is required when new A[10] is used

Use new/delete as much as possible in C++, because if malloc/free can do it, so can new/delete; What new/delete can do, malloc/free may not.

Note that applying and freeing space for individual elements, using the new and delete operators, applying and freeing contiguous Spaces, using new[] and delete[]

What use is this feature โ“

struct ListNode
	int _val;
	ListNode* _next;
	ListNode(int val)
		: _val(val)
		, _next(nullptr) {}};int main(a)
	ListNode* n1 = (ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
	n1->_val = 1;
	n1->_next = nullptr;

	ListNode* n2 = new ListNode(1);
	return 0;
Copy the code

Niujiaojian problem โ“

int* p1 = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);
delete p1;

int* p2 = new int;
delete p2;

int* p2 = new int[10];
delete p2;//errfree p2; /errCopy the code

๐Ÿ“ instructions

Keep to malloc โ†” free, new โ†” delete, new โ†” delete[] โ†” [], or else it may crash.