Android isn’t cool, it’s just harder than before

A few years ago Android exploded into the new trillion-dollar market, and millions of gold diggers rushed in expecting to get their hands on it.

At that time, under the environment of mobile games, as long as you can have a running Lianliankan can find a job, onto the track to be pushed forward by the tide, this industry is not not bright.

Now, the tide is slowing down, and Android messages are flying all over the place, with “cool” being the word.

But rest assured, Android is not cool!

Android entry is relatively simple, the primary Android many, many, near saturation, you open a recruitment app can be very intuitive judgment, now Android access conditions are getting higher and higher.

I decided to change myself, so I started my own big factory training road:

First of all, we must systematize our knowledge.

Knowledge point is actually that some, today to everyone dish:

A, Java classes

1. The four basic features of Java (abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism) 2. Important containers (HashMap, ArrayList, Linkedlist) 3. Memory model 5. Garbage Collection algorithm (JVM) 6.Java Four References 7.Java generics 8. Multithreading and thread pools

Second, the Android classes

Custom View 2. Event interception and distribution 3. Performance optimization tool 4. Performance optimization (the most important part of Android) 5. Cache 6.MVC, MVP, MVVM 7. Mixed development

Third, network related

HTTP, HTTPS 2.TCP/UDP 3. Other network concepts, just know that’s what’s going on

Fourth, the Kotlin

Look at the picture directly

Fifth, flutter

Look at the picture

The last

Below is the study route that arranges hard for everybody, have need okGet it for free here