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Energy management is an important factor in making a personal leap in the workplace.

Although everyone has 24 hours in a day, people who manage with energy are likely to produce many times as much as those who don’t. They can achieve career advancement and competence development faster, and their lives have more density and value.

In the past year, I have accumulated a lot of energy management experience, one by one to share with you 👇👇👇

First, master these four tips, learn to make a reasonable plan

1. Why plan?

The two central functions of planning are planning and memorization.

Planning, is to work out an effective path to achieve goals; Memos, on the other hand, can help you execute with clarity and focus.

2. So, how to make a plan rationally?

1) Timing and quantification

Timing and quantification: The amount of work to be done at what point in time, the process and the outcome should be timed and quantified.

2) Break your long-term plan into weekly goals that guide your daily actions

Use a daily to-do list + Arrange your tasks in four quadrants: Important/Urgent, Important/not urgent, Urgent/Not important, and Not Urgent/Not Important.

The benefits of a to-do list are as follows:

  • 1. Avoid forgetting and clear your head.

  • 2, enhance the sense of urgency, improve efficiency.

  • 3, “unlock the sense of achievement” and other positive emotional impact.

3) Record the actual time you took to complete the task

To get started, keep track of how long you actually took to complete a task. This will give you a better understanding of yourself and allow you to adjust your current task’s time to your actual situation.

4) Leeway

Good planning is not about filling up your hours. On the contrary, there is always room for a good plan. My rule of thumb is to leave a 20% buffer. For example, if I estimate a task to be completed in 10 days, I usually give myself a 12-day deadline to give myself a two-day margin.

But people who estimate time for the first time often overestimate their ability to estimate time by half as much as they actually need. For example, he estimated that a PPT can be finished in 1 hour, but it usually takes 2 or 3 hours.

So when beginning exercisers plan their day, they usually plan for four hours of work and do the important things first. Basically, you’ll find that by the end of the day, you’ll only be able to do your estimated 4 hours of work.

Therefore, the beginner should not only leave a margin, but also leave a 60% margin. Then depending on the actual situation gradually adjust to reduce the scope of leeway, until 20% 🙂

3, summarize

  • 1. Timing and quantification.
  • 2. Break your long-term plan into weekly goals and use those weekly goals to guide your daily actions.
  • 3. Record the task time.
  • 4. Leave room for manoeuvre.

How to efficiently complete complex and difficult tasks?

1. Task disassembly

Break big tasks down into smaller ones. Small tasks make us more focused because we can see the end and have something to look forward to.

For example, writing an article includes searching materials, reading, thinking, taking notes, writing and modifying. In fact, it is really difficult to write, but even if it is to write, it is only difficult at the beginning, and it will gradually get better after finding the feeling.

So the real way to increase productivity and get things done is to set small goals. This will make it easier to stick with it because you can always see results immediately and see your progress in the process, which leads to a virtuous cycle 🙂

By doing this consistently over time, we can measure and mark our progress over time. We know exactly how much work we can accomplish in a given period of time.

2, regular work method

In the face of some super-long continuous tasks, such as fitness, reading. We can schedule regular time slots in the morning to do these regular things.

3. Set execution goals for that week only

Have a strong sense of purpose. Want it as much as you want to breathe.

As long as the long term dream is there, it doesn’t matter how we go about it. All we have to do is set an execution goal for that week and iterate again next week.

5, summary

  • 1. Break down tasks into specific executable granularity.
  • 2. Do a set thing at a set time in the morning.
  • 3. Set goals for the week only.

3. How to maximize the efficiency per unit time?

1. Tomato 🍅 working method

One tomato clock equals 25 minutes of focus plus 5 minutes of rest.

Therefore, we can break up the study task into one or more 25-minute work periods and 5-minute relaxation periods, in which we can maintain high concentration with no distractions, and in which we can relax and re-engage with the task during the 5-minute rest period.

What if the motivation is not strong at the beginning?

We can start learning with the incentive of “reward”. For example 🌰, for each tomato clock, you can take a break to eat as much fruit, cake, etc., then continue on to the next tomato clock, and so on until you complete the task.

2, regular rest method

During the work period, we may be interrupted frequently and it is difficult to control the time. Therefore, we can use the regular rest method. It is recommended to take 5-10 minutes for 1/1.5 hour and set the alarm.

My alarm diagram

3. Multitasking

The trick is to figure out which tasks can really be combined without reducing the productivity of doing each task individually. In general, it is recommended that you use the following methods of multitasking:

  • 1) Writing + listening to music
  • 2) Reading + plank.
  • 3) Shave and squat.
  • 4), engage in health + thinking review.

As you can see, the trick to multitasking is to combine any activity that requires mental effort with physical activity 🙂

3, summarize

  • 1, holiday, tomato 🍅 work method.
  • 2, work, regular rest method.
  • 3. Multitasking on weekdays.

How to make decisions quickly? Check out this four-word secret

Whenever you come across a situation, I suggest you make a decision within 10 seconds: What should I do next? In all cases, there are only four options: “transfer, do, save and throw away”.

1. Get out

When it’s not your job to do things, firmly hand them over.

2. Do it right away

Do the simple things right away. For example, new friends add your wechat, you can conveniently put the notes, to perfect in the mobile phone; Or when a meeting is over, organize the minutes and send them off immediately.

3. Save

If you can’t do something right away and need a chunk of time to deal with it in the future, put it on your to-do list. Read 10 books, run a marathon, or do 100 push-ups.

4. Throw it all away

You can’t turn it out, you can’t do it right away, and there’s no need to save things you can do later.

Five, the plan always catch up with change? Try this

1. Agile work

It is an iterative way of working, which advocates constant adjustment and adaptation to achieve goals step by step.

It consists of two main points: “Minimum deliverable” and “continuous iteration”.

For example, there are two restaurants, the traditional one, that serve all 10 dishes at one sitting. The problem is that guests have to wait on an empty stomach, and if it’s too salty or spicy, there’s no room for adjustment.

Agile’s approach is to serve a course, give the guest a belly, ask for feedback, and then serve several courses.

“Minimum deliverable” is that first course. Feedback is followed by “continuous iteration,” which means constantly cooking the next dish.

2. Why the emphasis on “minimal” delivery?

Because plans are not set in stone. Most of the time, maybe the demand side doesn’t really know what they want 🙂

If he only sees your final output and realizes that his needs are something else and starts all over again, it’s a waste of everyone’s time.

So, when you are given a task or project, don’t promise when you will deliver the final result, promise when you will deliver the first delivery 🙂

Finally, when faced with multiple tasks, iterate on the urgent first and then the important.

4, summarize

Results = minimum deliverable + continuous iteration.

Six, soon off work, the boss still push to your task how to do?

The key to solving this problem is to “have the courage to manage time with your boss.”

1. Make direct suggestions

If your company has an open culture and a flat organizational structure, it is advisable to approach your boss directly and minimize last-minute arrangements.

2. Ask 2 hours in advance

If your company, corporate hierarchy is more, the boss has a strong sense of authority, some words are not very straightforward, suggest you can take the initiative to ask the boss at 4 or 5 in the afternoon, there is anything to help.

In fact, many times, the boss does not mean to give you this at the end of the day, but he may be really busy forget.

3. Communicate regularly

Take the initiative to schedule one-on-one time with your boss and update him or her regularly on the progress of your projects and tasks. The frequency depends on the nature of your work. If your industry is relatively stable, a quarter is appropriate.

If you’re in a fast-changing industry and companies are constantly changing direction, I would even suggest that you sit down with your boss every month, or even every two weeks, to review your progress.

In this communication, you can ask for a reprioritization of your work priorities, a progress report on projects and tasks, a risk alert for missed deadlines, and so on. It doesn’t have to be long, 15 minutes to half an hour.

4, summarize

  • 1, small businesses, direct advice.
  • Big enterprises, take the initiative to ask.
  • 3. Proactively communicate regularly with your boss.

Seven, how to avoid “roll-in busy”?

Inrolling is when a society stays in a state of simple self-repetition for a long time.

A lot of people fall into this state of inrolling. Work is very busy, today in catch up with yesterday’s progress, a person is doing two people’s work. Too busy to study, too busy to figure out how to improve methods, be more efficient, or too busy to make a long-term plan.

At the same time, they have no control over their time. Anyway, they seem to be able to get things done by working overtime and piling up time.

After work, when you’re too tired to move, swipe your phone, play video games, or eat a big meal.

Moreover, this phenomenon not only appears at the grass-roots level, in many high-paying industries or positions, but also in the heavy disaster areas of internal volume busy.

Because of the high salary, it temporarily masks the motivation for self-improvement. Once the industry or position changes, such as the emergence of new technologies, new models, layoffs and so on, many so-called high-earning talents have to reduce their positions and salaries.

But there are other people who always put their heart and soul into everything they do.

At work, I think of all kinds of ways to learn new skills, improve my ability, improve the performance of output;

In addition to work, but also to increase their study, fitness, social and other tasks.

The key to all of this is that they develop their own self-drive patterns.

So, how to avoid the “inward-winding busyness” of standing still, and establish a “self-driven busyness” of balancing work and growth?

1. Find your purpose

In the workplace, there are two priorities: “One is to do what your boss tells you to do; Another point is to challenge yourself to do what you want to do.

Think of goal setting as preparation for a future resume or startup.

2. Invest enough time in growth

Put in at least 200 hours a year to grow without being too tired or unable to make a significant difference.

Invest in the study of their own distressed money, find a teacher to learn.

Align your work with your goals

If we can find meaning in our current work and make it work for our purpose, it will take it up a notch.

4, summarize

  • 1. Find your purpose.
  • 2. Invest enough time in growth.
  • Align your job with your goals.

Reference links:

  • 1. The Jungle Book
  • 2. Geek Time – How to become a good learner
  • 3. Get – How to be a productive learner
  • 4. Get – How to become a time management expert

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