I don’t know why, but I feel that this year has passed very fast, and it will soon be December. Maybe I came to the magic city late this year. I stayed at home for more than a month, but I was called back by the company.

One of the most popular variety shows this year is “Sister who Rides the Waves”. Although I haven’t watched it, I still see it frequently on the Internet. As you may guess, the title of this article is also a reference to “braving the wind and waves sister” want to come out, mainly is braving the wind and waves this idiom is very good, has an unyielding strength, also quite suitable for this year our national people’s performance of unity. Of course, the 30 sisters are also very good-looking!

The most important thing at the end of the year is the summary, of course, today is my summary. Since the writing of the “Ape World”, every year at this time will say some of their own situation this year, there are in the work, there are also in life.


Let’s talk about some things outside of work. The most time I’ve ever spent before work is probably on ape land. Insist on the output of an original article every week, because there is basically no time at ordinary times, only the weekend can feel at home code code. Good thing it’s not 996, or it would be even less.

According to the statistics of my blog, this year is about the same as last year, with an average of one article per week.

Unconsciously, I kept writing for 5 years. Of course, I say writing is not that kind of writing, a listen to this feeling very lofty, certainly is not that kind of writing is very good people write so good, my articles are also technical articles, ok.

The goal I set for myself is 21 years or once a week, but I’m afraid I’m too busy to stick to it. If I haven’t posted my article for a long time, I hope someone will write me a message: I’ve been waiting for weeks for my article, where have you been?

Can insist on output, share some of their own experience to bring help or inspiration to everyone on the line, otherwise I am embarrassed just rice (everyone understand, thank you for tolerance), mutual help ha.


Last year I said I wanted to make short videos, and this year I tried it for a while. I did not make the video number. I registered an account of B station and sent more than 10 videos. It didn’t stick after that.

There are many reasons why I didn’t stick to it. The main reason is lack of motivation. Making a video is more time-consuming than writing an article, just like writing a book. When I tried it, it was fine, because I didn’t prepare carefully, and I just started recording.

Later, I found that if I want a complete video, I still need to do some lesson preparation, just like the outline of the article. I should plan the content well, so that the effect will be better. (It would be much smoother if you had a full transcript lol)

Later editing, subtitling (usually directly generated), publishing and so on…

The motivation mentioned above, a person can insist on doing something for a long time, behind is the motivation to support him. The power of a video is that it gets recommended, it gets liked, it gets commented that it’s learned today.

If there is no play for a long time, not only me, I believe many people will lose motivation.

So there are still many uncertain factors for the video in 21 years. The first thing to make sure is that the article will stick. And then you can do something else. However, with limited spare time, it is difficult and tiring to do more things with limited time. Unless full-time, of course, in recent years there are many big V full-time we media, people can do, because the income is more than the work, which is equivalent to changing a job, this job is freelance.

For me, it is far from reaching this level. Although I have some income, mainly from promotion, it is not enough to support the expenses of the whole family, let alone saving. Therefore, I still focus on my work in 21 years, and it is difficult to make my salary more.

Open source

On the open source side, I’ve released a few small versions of my API encryption framework this year with some improvements. At the same time, more and more people add me to wechat to inquire about some problems. I am really happy to prove that what I do in my spare time is valuable and can help others.

Encryption framework address: github.com/yinjihuan/m…

The other project was started from a new start this year. It had planned a lot of content, but it was not promoted due to time. I also spent a lot of money on 2 cloud servers, haha.

Project address: github.com/yinjihuan/k…

Kitty is mainly based on a set of basic framework of Spring Cloud & Spring Cloud Alibaba, with built-in Cat monitoring, and a lot of work related to the underlying foundation has been done, out of the box. I hope it can provide some reference value to the partners who are doing technology selection.


In terms of life, like everyone else, you spend most of your time at work. I also spent most of the weekend writing articles. Basically, I don’t go out much. One of the most rewarding things I did this year was lose weight.

Go physical examination in June, all sorts of exceed bid next, weight is 80kg, reduce weight is imminent.

Then from July to October, these 3 months began the road to reduce weight. Is the so-called tube mouth and legs, eat less than half of the meal before, do not eat fat, less oil, eat more vegetables. Run 5km every morning, by October I lost 65kg, the effect is quite good.

At present, it is a little longer. I haven’t taken exercise since it is cold. I am lazy.

In addition, the little lover at home has grown up. This time last year, she didn’t know anything. This time this year, she can run, talk and get angry.

After more than a year can go to the kindergarten, but also have to consider her school things, in Shanghai to go to the public basic hopeless. Maybe now I can understand those who stayed for many years and suddenly left Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

The target

In 21 years, I have continued to do these things:

  • Public number good maintenance, more powder, more output
  • Keep exercising and have good health so that you can earn more money and give your family the best life
  • Keep Posting some of your ideas, and some of your technical expertise, in open source form
  • Raise your main income and you’re done

Finally, I hope that you will work hard with me in 21 years to achieve promotion and salary increase, and both family and career success. You can leave a message at the bottom of this article today to set your goals. In the summary article at the end of the 21st year, we will compare with what we have blown out.

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