Definition of the Builder pattern

  • A Builder Pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create different representations.
  • Features: The user only needs to specify the type to be built to obtain the object, the construction process and details do not need to know
  • Belongs to the creation pattern

Scenarios where the Builder pattern applies

  • There are many steps that apply to creating objects, but the order of steps is not necessarily fixed
  • If an object has a very complex internal structure (many properties)
  • Separate the creation of load objects from their application

Advantages of the Builder pattern

  • Good encapsulation, create and apply separation
  • Good scalability, build classes are independent and decoupled to some extent

Disadvantages of the Builder model

  • Creates redundant Builder objects
  • Changes within the product require modification by the builder, which is costly

The builder pattern is embodied in the source code

  • The JDK: StringBuilder
  • Mybatis: CacheBulider, SqlSessionFactory
  • Spring: BeanDefinitionBuilder

The difference between builder mode and factory mode

  • The builder pattern focuses more on methods and order of invocation, while the factory pattern focuses on creating objects
  • The intensity of object creation varies. The builder pattern creates complex objects, consisting of complex parts, while the factory pattern creates the same
  • Concern: The factory pattern only needs to create the object. The builder pattern does not need to create the object, but also needs to know what parts the object consists of
  • The builder pattern is different depending on the order in which the object is built

Chained programming example 1

import lombok.Data; public class CourseBuilder { private Course course = new Course(); public CourseBuilder addName(String name) { course.setName(name); return this; } public CourseBuilder addPPT(String ppt) { course.setPpt(ppt); return this; } public CourseBuilder addVideo(String video) { course.setVideo(video); return this; } public CourseBuilder addNote(String note) { course.setNote(note); return this; } public CourseBuilder addHomework(String homework) { course.setHomework(homework); return this; } public Course build() { return this.course; } @Data public class Course { private String name; private String ppt; private String video; private String note; private String homework; @Override public String toString() { return "CourseBuilder{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", ppt='" + ppt + '\'' + ", video='" + video + '\'' + ", note='" + note + '\'' + ", homework='" + homework + '\'' + '}'; }}}Copy the code
import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.CacheBuilder; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder; import; import java.util.Set; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { CourseBuilder builder = new CourseBuilder() AddVideo (" ").addNote(" ").addHomework(" "); addName(" ").addPpt (" ").addVideo(" ").addNote(" ").addHomework(" "); System.out.println(; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(""); CacheBuilder cacheBuilder = new CacheBuilder(""); cacheBuilder.blocking(false); // cacheBuilder. SqlSessionFactoryBuilder sqlSessionFactoryBuilder = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder(); // sqlSessionFactoryBuilder. BeanDefinitionBuilder beanDefinitionBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition(); // beanDefinitionBuilder.Copy the code

The chained programming example builds SQL

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * QueryRule,主要功能用于构造查询条件
 * @author Tom
public final class QueryRule implements Serializable
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	public static final int ASC_ORDER = 101;
	public static final int DESC_ORDER = 102;
	public static final int LIKE = 1;
	public static final int IN = 2;
	public static final int NOTIN = 3;
	public static final int BETWEEN = 4;
	public static final int EQ = 5;
	public static final int NOTEQ = 6;
	public static final int GT = 7;
	public static final int GE = 8;
	public static final int LT = 9;
	public static final int LE = 10;
	public static final int ISNULL = 11;
	public static final int ISNOTNULL = 12;
	public static final int ISEMPTY = 13;
	public static final int ISNOTEMPTY = 14;
	public static final int AND = 201;
	public static final int OR = 202;
	private List<Rule> ruleList = new ArrayList<Rule>();
	private List<QueryRule> queryRuleList = new ArrayList<QueryRule>();
	private String propertyName;

	private QueryRule() {}

	private QueryRule(String propertyName) {
		this.propertyName = propertyName;

	public static QueryRule getInstance() {
		return new QueryRule();
	 * 添加升序规则
	 * @param propertyName
	 * @return
	public QueryRule addAscOrder(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ASC_ORDER, propertyName));
		return this;

	 * 添加降序规则
	 * @param propertyName
	 * @return
	public QueryRule addDescOrder(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(DESC_ORDER, propertyName));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andIsNull(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ISNULL, propertyName).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andIsNotNull(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ISNOTNULL, propertyName).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andIsEmpty(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ISEMPTY, propertyName).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andIsNotEmpty(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ISNOTEMPTY, propertyName).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andLike(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(LIKE, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andEqual(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(EQ, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andBetween(String propertyName, Object... values) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(BETWEEN, propertyName, values).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andIn(String propertyName, List<Object> values) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(IN, propertyName, new Object[] { values }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andIn(String propertyName, Object... values) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(IN, propertyName, values).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;
	public QueryRule andNotIn(String propertyName, List<Object> values) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(NOTIN, propertyName, new Object[] { values }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orNotIn(String propertyName, Object... values) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(NOTIN, propertyName, values).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andNotEqual(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(NOTEQ, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andGreaterThan(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(GT, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andGreaterEqual(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(GE, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andLessThan(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(LT, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;

	public QueryRule andLessEqual(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(LE, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(AND));
		return this;
	public QueryRule orIsNull(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ISNULL, propertyName).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orIsNotNull(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ISNOTNULL, propertyName).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orIsEmpty(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ISEMPTY, propertyName).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orIsNotEmpty(String propertyName) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(ISNOTEMPTY, propertyName).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orLike(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(LIKE, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orEqual(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(EQ, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orBetween(String propertyName, Object... values) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(BETWEEN, propertyName, values).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orIn(String propertyName, List<Object> values) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(IN, propertyName, new Object[] { values }).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orIn(String propertyName, Object... values) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(IN, propertyName, values).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orNotEqual(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(NOTEQ, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orGreaterThan(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(GT, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orGreaterEqual(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(GE, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orLessThan(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(LT, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public QueryRule orLessEqual(String propertyName, Object value) {
		this.ruleList.add(new Rule(LE, propertyName, new Object[] { value }).setAndOr(OR));
		return this;

	public List<Rule> getRuleList() {
		return this.ruleList;

	public List<QueryRule> getQueryRuleList() {
		return this.queryRuleList;

	public String getPropertyName() {
		return this.propertyName;

	protected class Rule implements Serializable {
		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
		private int type;	//规则的类型
		private String property_name;
		private Object[] values;
		private int andOr = AND;

		public Rule(int paramInt, String paramString) {
			this.property_name = paramString;
			this.type = paramInt;

		public Rule(int paramInt, String paramString,
				Object[] paramArrayOfObject) {
			this.property_name = paramString;
			this.values = paramArrayOfObject;
			this.type = paramInt;
		public Rule setAndOr(int andOr){
			this.andOr = andOr;
			return this;
		public int getAndOr(){
			return this.andOr;

		public Object[] getValues() {
			return this.values;

		public int getType() {
			return this.type;

		public String getPropertyName() {
			return this.property_name;
Copy the code

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

 * 根据QueryRule自动构建sql语句
 * @author 
public class QueryRuleSqlBuilder {
	private int CURR_INDEX = 0; //记录参数所在的位置
	private List<String> properties; //保存列名列表
	private List<Object> values; //保存参数值列表
	private List<Order> orders; //保存排序规则列表
	private String whereSql = ""; 
	private String orderSql = "";
	private Object [] valueArr = new Object[]{};
	private Map<Object,Object> valueMap = new HashMap<Object,Object>();
	 * 或得查询条件
	 * @return
	private String getWhereSql(){
		return this.whereSql;
	 * 获得排序条件
	 * @return
	private String getOrderSql(){
		return this.orderSql;
	 * 获得参数值列表
	 * @return
	public Object [] getValues(){
		return this.valueArr;
	 * 获取参数列表
	 * @return
	private Map<Object,Object> getValueMap(){
		return this.valueMap;
	 * 创建SQL构造器
	 * @param queryRule
	public QueryRuleSqlBuilder(QueryRule queryRule) {
		properties = new ArrayList<String>();
		values = new ArrayList<Object>();
		orders = new ArrayList<Order>();
		for (QueryRule.Rule rule : queryRule.getRuleList()) {
			switch (rule.getType()) {
			case QueryRule.BETWEEN:
			case QueryRule.EQ:
			case QueryRule.LIKE:
			case QueryRule.NOTEQ:
			case QueryRule.GT:
			case QueryRule.GE:
			case QueryRule.LT:
			case QueryRule.LE:
			case QueryRule.IN:
			case QueryRule.NOTIN:
			case QueryRule.ISNULL:
			case QueryRule.ISNOTNULL:
			case QueryRule.ISEMPTY:
			case QueryRule.ISNOTEMPTY:
			case QueryRule.ASC_ORDER:
			case QueryRule.DESC_ORDER:
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("type " + rule.getType() + " not supported.");
	 * 去掉order
	 * @param sql
	 * @return
	private String removeOrders(String sql) {
		Pattern p = Pattern.compile("order\\s*by[\\w|\\W|\\s|\\S]*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
		Matcher m = p.matcher(sql);
		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
		while (m.find()) {
			m.appendReplacement(sb, "");
		return sb.toString();
	 * 去掉select
	 * @param sql
	 * @return
	private String removeSelect(String sql) {
			int beginPos = sql.toLowerCase().indexOf("from");
			return sql.substring(beginPos);
			return sql;
	 * 处理like
	 * @param rule
	private  void processLike(QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues())) {
		Object obj = rule.getValues()[0];

		if (obj != null) {
			String value = obj.toString();
			if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
				value = value.replace('*', '%');
				obj = value;

	 * 处理between
	 * @param rule
	private  void processBetween(QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		if ((ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues()))
				|| (rule.getValues().length < 2)) {
	 * 处理 =
	 * @param rule
	private  void processEqual(QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues())) {

	 * 处理 <>
	 * @param rule
	private  void processNotEqual(QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues())) {

	 * 处理 >
	 * @param rule
	private  void processGreaterThen(
			QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues())) {

	 * 处理>=
	 * @param rule
	private  void processGreaterEqual(
			QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues())) {

	 * 处理<
	 * @param rule
	private  void processLessThen(QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues())) {

	 * 处理<=
	 * @param rule
	private  void processLessEqual(
			QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues())) {

	 * 处理  is null
	 * @param rule
	private  void processIsNull(QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		add(rule.getAndOr(),rule.getPropertyName(),"is null",null);

	 * 处理 is not null
	 * @param rule
	private  void processIsNotNull(QueryRule.Rule rule) {
		add(rule.getAndOr(),rule.getPropertyName(),"is not null",null);

	 * 处理  <>''
	 * @param rule
	private  void processIsNotEmpty(QueryRule.Rule rule) {

	 * 处理 =''
	 * @param rule
	private  void processIsEmpty(QueryRule.Rule rule) {

	 * 处理in和not in
	 * @param rule
	 * @param name
	private void inAndNotIn(QueryRule.Rule rule,String name){
		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(rule.getValues())) {
		if ((rule.getValues().length == 1) && (rule.getValues()[0] != null)
				&& (rule.getValues()[0] instanceof List)) {
			List<Object> list = (List) rule.getValues()[0];
			if ((list != null) && (list.size() > 0)){
				for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
					if(i == 0 && i == list.size() - 1){
						add(rule.getAndOr(),rule.getPropertyName(),"",name + " (",list.get(i),")");
					}else if(i == 0 && i < list.size() - 1){
						add(rule.getAndOr(),rule.getPropertyName(),"",name + " (",list.get(i),"");
					if(i > 0 && i < list.size() - 1){
					if(i == list.size() - 1 && i != 0){
		} else {
			Object[] list =  rule.getValues();
			for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
				if(i == 0 && i == list.length - 1){
					add(rule.getAndOr(),rule.getPropertyName(),"",name + " (",list[i],")");
				}else if(i == 0 && i < list.length - 1){
					add(rule.getAndOr(),rule.getPropertyName(),"",name + " (",list[i],"");
				if(i > 0 && i < list.length - 1){
				if(i == list.length - 1 && i != 0){
	 * 处理 not in
	 * @param rule
	private void processNotIN(QueryRule.Rule rule){
		inAndNotIn(rule,"not in");
	 * 处理 in
	 * @param rule
	private  void processIN(QueryRule.Rule rule) {
	 * 处理 order by
	 * @param rule 查询规则
	private void processOrder(Rule rule) {
		switch (rule.getType()) {
		case QueryRule.ASC_ORDER:
			// propertyName非空
			if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(rule.getPropertyName())) {
		case QueryRule.DESC_ORDER:
			// propertyName非空
			if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(rule.getPropertyName())) {
	 * 加入到sql查询规则队列
	 * @param andOr and 或者 or
	 * @param key 列名
	 * @param split 列名与值之间的间隔
	 * @param value 值
	private  void add(int andOr,String key,String split ,Object value){
	 * 加入到sql查询规则队列
	 * @param andOr and 或则 or
	 * @param key 列名
	 * @param split 列名与值之间的间隔
	 * @param prefix 值前缀
	 * @param value 值
	 * @param suffix 值后缀
	private  void add(int andOr,String key,String split ,String prefix,Object value,String  suffix){
		String andOrStr = (0 == andOr ? "" :(QueryRule.AND == andOr ? " and " : " or "));  
		properties.add(CURR_INDEX, andOrStr + key + " " + split + prefix + (null != value ? " ? " : " ") + suffix);
		if(null != value){
	 * 拼装 where 语句
	private void appendWhereSql(){
		StringBuffer whereSql = new StringBuffer();
		for (String p : properties) {
		this.whereSql = removeSelect(removeOrders(whereSql.toString()));
	 * 拼装排序语句
	private void appendOrderSql(){
		StringBuffer orderSql = new StringBuffer();
		for (int i = 0 ; i < orders.size(); i ++) {
			if(i > 0 && i < orders.size()){
		this.orderSql = removeSelect(removeOrders(orderSql.toString()));
	 * 拼装参数值
	private void appendValues(){
		Object [] val = new Object[values.size()];
		for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i ++) {
			val[i] = values.get(i);
			valueMap.put(i, values.get(i));
		this.valueArr = val;

	public String builder(String tableName){
		String ws = removeFirstAnd(this.getWhereSql());
		String whereSql = ("".equals(ws) ? ws : (" where " + ws));
		String sql = "select * from " + tableName + whereSql;
		Object [] values = this.getValues();
		String orderSql = this.getOrderSql();
		orderSql = (StringUtils.isEmpty(orderSql) ? " " : (" order by " + orderSql));
		sql += orderSql;
		return sql;

	private String removeFirstAnd(String sql){
		if(StringUtils.isEmpty(sql)){return sql;}
		return sql.trim().toLowerCase().replaceAll("^\\s*and", "") + " ";

Copy the code
/** * SQL Sort component * @author */ public class Order {private Boolean ascending; Private String propertyName; private String propertyName; Public String toString() {return propertyName + "+ (ascending? "asc" : "desc"); } /** * Constructor for Order. */ protected Order(String propertyName, boolean ascending) { this.propertyName = propertyName; this.ascending = ascending; } /** * Ascending order * * @param propertyName * @return Order */ public static Order asc(String propertyName) { return  new Order(propertyName, true); } /** * Descending order * * @param propertyName * @return Order */ public static Order desc(String propertyName) { return new Order(propertyName, false); }}Copy the code
import; import java.util.Arrays; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { QueryRule queryRule = QueryRule.getInstance(); queryRule.addAscOrder("age"); queryRule.andEqual("addr","Changsha"); queryRule.andLike("name","Tom"); QueryRuleSqlBuilder builder = new QueryRuleSqlBuilder(queryRule); System.out.println(builder.builder("t_member")); System.out.println("Params: " + Arrays.toString(builder.getValues())); }}Copy the code