GITHUB is a resource hosting platform, and its green submissions really show how often you’re active.

So can we add to the home page?

Have we thought about showing you on the home page?

It’s not, you can through the yourUsername/yourUsername to make your business card.

Implementing super simple ~ only takes two steps

1. Create the username/username repository

Username = reng99 username = reng99 username = reng99

1.1 Click the + drop-down in the upper right corner of your home page and click On New Repository to take you to the page shown above

1.2 Repository template will work by default

1.3 Repository Name Fill in your Github account name, here is my account reng99. Because I have already created a reng99/reng99 repository, there will be an error.

Fill in your warehouse Description.

1.5 Select Public and Private

1.6 Initialize this repository with Add a README file

1.7 Click the Create Repository button

To access your newly created repository, visit This is the account reng99. So we go to this address… Proceed to the next step.

Add your business card information

The name card information displayed on the front page is actually displayed by reading the content under reng99/reng99. So we use markdown syntax to write what we want to show.

Here is the contents of my own file:

|Base Info|Dashboard Data| |----------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------ ----------------------| | __Hi, I am Jimmy! 👋__<br/><br/>1. 🔭 I'm currently working on Canton, China<br/>2. 🌱 I'm currently learning MySql, 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]<br/>4. 💬 Leave me a word: | [![reng99's github stats]( username=reng99&show_icons=true&theme=dracula)]( | 
Here is a mini program for discount. You can scan it by wechat for detail.

Copy the code

It looks like this:

Or you can go to my home page to view my business card and see the display effect.

What? If you want a more cool presentation, you can go to… Reference, personalized Settings for our business cards.

The end of this article, scatter flowers ~

A recent article from zero development simple micro channel small program; More… .

Code word is not easy, pass by a praise?

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