At 12 am, a friend of mine was on the phone, angrily saying that his blog post had been deleted by the platform again.

I wonder why, it turns out that he published an original technical article on a certain platform, and readers like it. He later reposted the article to another platform. However, unluckily, these two platforms are commercial competition with each other. One article is not allowed to be published on two platforms. After the article was deleted, my friend was so angry that he jumped up and down.

I listened, but very calm. This is the power of capital monopoly. Many “we media” platforms are in pursuit of a monopoly and do not allow others to sleep soundly in bed. Vicious competition between each other, already do not care about the user’s feelings.

Creators work hard for months, but their articles are rejected by the platform, or their published articles are ruthlessly inserted into various advertisements. The link to the article or two-dimensional code, forwarding to other platforms was ruthlessly blocked. Or the article to fail review, or directly deleted.

Is there a way for me to create freely and speak freely on the Internet without even thinking about it? Burn Bridges, break chains, we have nothing to lose but chains.

In order to completely solve this problem, we can only use personal programming technology to escape from major we-media platforms and build blog websites by ourselves.

Through searching and consulting a large number of public information, I found that there are many technologies for self-built blog sites on the Internet, but many frameworks are either not maintained by the authors for a long time, or there are few users and the community is not active, or there are few plug-ins and themes, or there are no Chinese documents.

After a month of careful research and repeated comparisons, I finally selected 10 technical frameworks, which are open source and free. Share with everyone, welcome white fuck. You are sure to learn something.

The article provides links to numerous websites, both domestic and foreign. If the access speed is slow, see the following screenshot.

# 10

Solo, which claims to be a small and beautiful dynamic blogging system, is designed for programmers. The biggest feature is their own community, their own articles can be sent to the community. Community posts and blog comments are linked. Let each blog is not an island, but a sky full of interconnected stars. is its official website, written in Java language, a bit like Sina blog, directly registered to use, zero technical threshold.

However, or recommend technical background partners, download the source code, their own deployment.

The official document is called “Solo from Design to Implementation” and the address is… .

Main functions:

The Markdown editor supports three editing modes: WYSIWYG/instant render/split screen preview

Custom navigation links

Random articles/related articles/top/update reminders

Custom post permalink/signature file

Configure site SEO parameters/announcements/footers

Code highlight/mathematical formula/flow chart/staff

Hexo/Jekyll/Markdown import

Atom / RSS / Sitemap

CDN Static resource separation. JsDelivr CDN distribution can be configured

Pull GitHub repository and automatic backup

Built-in HTTPS+CDN file storage

Support for generating export static sites for publishing GitHub Pages

At the same time, we selected a few outstanding blog representative work, reference.

88250.…… Utm_source… p=2…

The official documentation is very detailed, and if you don’t like reading text, I’ve also found some excellent teaching videos for you. Welcome to learn.…

# 09

Pelican, a static website generator written in Python.

The official website:

It is preferred by those familiar with Python and supports Markdown and reStructuredText syntax.

You can use Jinja templates to customize themes, support migrating blogs from WordPress, and more.

It has some new features:

Integration with external services

Site theme (created using the Jinja2 template)

Publish in multiple languages

Generate Atom and RSS feeds

Code syntax highlights

Import existing content from WordPress, Dotclear, or RSS sources

Fast reconstruction time due to content caching and selective output writes

It can be extended through a rich plug-in ecosystem

I help you find a lot of interesting topics on gitHub:… , and a number of plug-ins, namely… .

In addition, here to help you find a few excellent site cases, learn to reference it.

Nairobilug. Making. IO/pelican – alc…

# 08

Hexo is a fast, simple and efficient blogging framework.

The official website is

Using Markdown to parse an article produces a beautiful static web page in a matter of seconds.

NPM install -g hexo-cli

Windows Mac Linux compatible at the same time, to achieve true cross-platform.

It has a wealth of plug-ins. For example, add a backend UI to a website, hexo-admin-ehc;

Added a bilibili play page for Hexo, i.e., hexo-Bilibili-Bangumi; Add codepen to the code block, i.e. hexo-codepen; Integrating qiniuyun interface to save images is quick and convenient, i.e. hexo-deployer-Qiniucloud2.

It also has a wealth of themes, the official website contains more than 300 excellent themes, the following is my pick of a few, for reference.\

Github is a treasure trove. There are a lot of themes with more than 10,000 stars on them. Type in hexo theme, and the top ten are worth having.

If you are a technical white, I help you find a few sets of teaching videos, convenient and quick start.………


Jekyll, a simple static site generator for blogs, is available at \

It supports Markdown and Textile formats, and the familiar GitHub Pages is built on Jekyll. With GitHub Pages, you don’t have to pay for a server to deploy your site directly on GitHub.

There is no corresponding Chinese version on the official website. I can help you find a good Chinese translation website:

It also helps you find a lot of topics,

Namely:… .

There are many topics, but here are my picks.

Here to help you find a few sets of teaching videos, convenient for you to quickly start.………


Octopress, a blog for hackers.

Written in Ruby, based on the blog framework designed by Jekyll. It is an enhanced version of Jekyll, making it easier to install and remove plug-ins, integrate style sheets, images, fonts, and more.

Built-in support for third parties like Twitter and Google Analytics is a completely new Jekyll upgrade.

There are plenty of cool themes and add-ons available on gitHub. Address:…

It also includes some instructional videos to help you quickly set up your own blog.……


Hugo, a static website generator written in the Go language. Simple, easy to use, efficient, easy to expand, rapid deployment.

It claims to be the world’s fastest framework. The official website is

Its Chinese website is quite hidden, but I can help you find it, namely:

Hugo has the following characteristics:

Extremely fast page compilation and generation speed

Fully cross-platform support, can run on Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, etc

Easy Installation

LiveReload automatically updates the page instantly when debugging Usage locally.

Full skin support

Can be deployed on any SERVER that supports HTTP

The official website provides many excellent website works, pick a few to appreciate.

Those of you who have read the Chinese document will find it extremely detailed. However, or to help small partners to find a few good teaching video, video entry is faster.………


VuePress, a markdown-centric static website generator. The official website is

It was created to support the documentation requirements of Vue, preferred by developers familiar with the Vue framework. It can generate a single page application (SPA). The experience is like an app on your phone. And very SEO friendly.

There are detailed help documents on the official website, supporting English and Chinese language selection, easy to learn and refer to.

Plugins and themes are limited on the website, but that doesn’t matter. I helped you find plugins and themes developed by community enthusiasts on Github. Very rich, bold and safe to eat.


There are no sample websites and template recommendations on the official website. I have also helped you find several good works for your reference and study.

The quality of the teaching videos on the Internet is also very high.………


Gitbook, a dedicated document management platform. Official document:

Website is like an e-book, left directory navigation right article content, suitable for the public reading habits.

The first few versions were open source, but later commercialized, allowing users to post directly once they signed up.

But after I stepped on the thunder for many times, found its fatal weakness, the document exported each time often display failure. It is in Json format instead of HTML and cannot be re-imported.

There are official servers in foreign countries, speed and access restrictions make people tearful, so I recommend you to abandon the commercial version, use the open source version of the real fragrance.

I used the early GitBook 3.0.0 to build my personal blog. There are plenty of help documents available online. Beginners recommend this article:…

Similarly, here to help you find some excellent site cases, for reference only.

I recommend these two videos, 30 minutes.……

# 02

Docsify, Tagline is a magic document site generator.

When I found it, I felt like I had found treasure and was very excited. Instead of building and compiling to HTML, just publish MarkDown.

I’ll find all the themes and plugins you need and put them here.… .

The companies that use it are also big names, such as:



Apache. Making. IO/incubator – w…


Netflix. Making. IO/pollyjs / # / R…


Amzn. Making. IO/style – dicti…

The video is here. Help yourself.……

# 01

WordPress, a free open source content management system based on PHP and MySQL. It is not only suitable for programmers to build their own websites, but also suitable for ordinary users without technical background to build personal websites or company portals.

The official website is

The world’s most widely used CMS software, more than 8,000 free topics.


More than 50,000 free plug-ins, with strong ecological support. Through this link, you can access a number of excellent cases.

For example, the Boston University admissions website

Obama’s website is

This is the fastest man in the world,

Microsoft news site

If free templates aren’t enough for you, here are two popular fee-paying sites that offer a wealth of beautiful templates:

The popularity of wordPress is evident in the large number of educational videos on the web. The following 3 sets of recommendations, bold eating, feeling good.………

I am wu empty non – empty also, a knock on the code of the new generation of migrant workers sleepy!

Follow me for more treasure!