I according to dish chicken – primary – advance – the order of great god recommends brush problem website to everybody, all ok white prostitute, everybody can choose appropriate study website according to his demand oh, absolutely not deficient!

Rapeseed brush problem website

For the freshman computer major students, fear is not no brush problem website, but brush impassability (nonsense, people even professional courses did not learn, you let people code what?) . So if you want to brush from scratch, I recommend these websites or sets of questions that you can brush:

Core purpose: to find the sense of coding and standardize code writing.

1) Programming by Doing

In the form of homework organized programming foundation, the topic is relatively simple.

Novice programming must brush 50 questions

This is an online OJ on LintCode with the title compiled by ACM bronze medalist Heart.

The core of the questions is to start from basic programming knowledge and cover the most common algorithms and data structures in the process of brush questions, mainly including basic data types, judgment statements, array and loop, string and loop, stack and queue, simple recursion six stages.

Brush these questions, can be familiar with the coding process, and build up the confidence of brush questions, brush down the feeling is good.

③ Basic Algorithm Class

It is said that the master leads the way and the cultivation depends on the individual, but many people just lack the process of leading the way. So recommends a Basic Algorithm Class to consolidate the basic knowledge of algorithms.

The class is very large, and the teaching assistants and teachers will lead you to do coding. The first five free classes alone cover the basics of learning algorithms in the early stages (and trust me, even five classes are good enough).

Contain these core knowledge points, become a shareholder not to lose!

A. Program control flow: for loop and while loop

B. Function: definition and use of function, function parameter transfer

C. Introduction to Object Orientation: What are the concepts of object orientation, classes and objects

D. Ava language basics, IDE introduction: IntelliJ, int variables and their ranges, char variables, What is Unicode, Boolean and/or operations, how to write if statements

The guide for the first step

If the previous content is too basic for you, try this website.

Core purpose: consolidate algorithm and data structure knowledge, to cope with simple interview.

1) LintCode

LintCode has collected some of the most common and frequently asked interview questions on the Internet in English and Chinese.

LintCode provides detailed answers to each question to help you understand it better. You can also brush questions by algorithm and data structure knowledge, and by company category to get more results with less time.

One thing I like about it is that the page is clean and clean, and there’s not a lot of bells and whistles.

(2) valley of los

There are a lot of questions on The Valley, there are a lot of basic questions, the use of experience is very good.

The disadvantage is that the screening way is less, there is no corresponding ladder training, but it is very suitable for students with plenty of time.

(3) cattle from

Niu guest is also an algorithm question bank, according to the algorithm, SQL, shell, front-end classification, as well as the company real questions and high-frequency questions, classification is more detailed, but also can brush the surface.

(4) hihocoder

This page is also more direct, and in accordance with the frequency of the brush, I prefer this more refreshing and intuitive page.

(5) LeetCode

LeetCode is also a famous website for brushing questions. There are more people on the discussion board and more comprehensive topics are covered, but there are more topics with locks.

Advanced brush problem path

At this stage, you should be able to handle the vast majority of the easy questions, brushing is a habit for you, this time the core purpose is a short sprint.

Core purpose: to achieve bug free as far as possible, or to be familiar with the high-frequency test points in the shortest time, sprint to the big factory interview.

① Big factories at home and abroad

My strategy is to brush the frequent questions and real questions of the target enterprise before the interview, quickly get familiar with the interview style of big factories, and timely check the gaps.

This SET of OJ is classified by the company, to take the way of ladder training, a brush in the past, you can also experience the feeling of upgrading and playing strange, brush up will be more interesting.

② The algorithm is advanced problem 80

This is the advanced version of the previous novice brush problem, covering 12 core knowledge points, such as dichotomy, double pointer, simple dynamic planning, etc., if you feel your level is ok, you can brush it.

③ Some practical brush skills

Of course, in addition to the brush questions website also want to share some practical brush tips:

1. At the beginning, give yourself 20 minutes for each question. If you can’t think of anything, just look at the answer.


The interviewer will never give you that much time in the interview, and it is very important to “pass quickly” and focus on efficiency.

2. In the early stage, brush questions according to the knowledge points of algorithm and data structure; In the later stage, the labels of algorithms and data structures are hidden.

According to?

When you start to brush, you can brush a type of question and find the rules of this type of question. For example, what are the characteristics of the dichotomy question, how can this kind of question be solved, but after mastering the routine, you can not look at the knowledge brush, so easy to fall into the mindset, and in the interview will not tell you this question is to investigate what content.

3. Master at least two solutions to a problem, preferably three.

According to?

Generally speaking, can master the standard solution (interview often test, the interviewer can understand), the optimal solution (self-study, show skills), violent solution (really do not come out when there is a conservative solution)

④ Auxiliary books

Finally, I’d like to recommend two books.

“Sword Finger Offer” and “The Beauty of programming”, there are also matching problem sets, will be white piao to the end.

Master – Temple level

If you want to further your algorithmic career, not just through algorithmic interviews, but through playing and becoming a professional player (such as ACM), these oJs are for you.

Hangzhou electric OJ

Can be said to be the most famous, the most widely used, the most reasonable difficulty setting OJ bar (don’t bar, bar is you right). Because a lot of games will be held on it, so it is also the first choice of many big guys to brush and play games training, although the page is a little simple, but who let it popular?

②UVa Online Judge: The Online Judge of Valladolid University in Spain is the oldest and the most famous Online Judge in the world. The question bank has a detailed classification and a wide range of question types. The most important thing is that the topic type is medium, which is more suitable for beginners to brush the topic to learn.

(3) Peking University OJ: it is also a good domestic reputation, and more classic OJ. The difficulty of the topic is not high, open the speed is very fast, suitable for big men to learn from each other in this ~

(4) Codechef

An OJ from India, this site features more competition questions than other sites.

Finally, I wish you all can find their own positioning! No matter what industry or company you want to work for in the future, it’s important to find your own direction. Don’t think you can’t. How will you know until you give it a try?

Don’t lose the good time of youth, now is the best time.