Create a simple Proxy

let target = {}
let proxy = new Proxy(target, {}) = 'proxy'

console.log( // proxy
console.log( // proxy = 'target'

console.log( // target
console.log( // target
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When this instance assigns “proxy” to the property, it creates a name on the target. The proxy simply forwards the operation to the target, which does not store the property. Proxy. name and refer to

Use set traps to validate properties

The set trap accepts four parameters:

1. TrapTarget: The object used to receive attributes (the target of the proxy)

2. Key: Attribute key (string or symbol) to be written

3. Value: indicates the attribute value to be written

4.receiver: The object (usually the agent) on which the operation takes place

let target = {
    name: "target"

let proxy = new Proxy(target, {
    set(trapTarget, key, value, receiver) {
        if(! trapTarget.hasOwnProperty(key)) {if (isNaN(value)) {
                throw new TypeError("Attribute must be a number")}}return Reflect.set(trapTarget, key, value, receiver)

proxy.count = 1
console.log(proxy.count) / / 1
console.log(target.count) / / 1 = "proxy"

console.log( //proxy
console.log( //proxy

proxy.other = "other" // There is an error because there are no numbers
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This instance starts the set function every time it changes the value of the proxy outside.

Validate object structures with get traps

Get receives three parameters

1. TrapTarget: The object used to receive attributes (the target of the proxy)

2. Key: Attribute key (string or symbol) to be written

3. Receiver: The object (usually the agent) on which the operation takes place

let proxy = new Proxy({}, {
    get(trapTarget, key, receiver) {
        if(! (keyin receiver)) {
            throw new TypeError("Properties" + key + "Doesn't exist.")}return Reflect.get(trapTarget, key, receiver)
}) = "proxy"

console.log( //proxy

console.log(proxy.age) // An error will be thrown if the attribute does not exist
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The GET method is triggered when we access the object properties created by the proxy

Use the HAS trap so there are attributes

Has accepts two parameters:

1. TrapTarget: The object used to receive attributes (the target of the proxy)

2. Key: Attribute key (string or symbol) to be written

let target = {
    name: "target".value: 42

let proxy = new Proxy(target, {
    has(trapTarget, key) {
        if (key === 'value') {
            return false
        } else {
            return Reflect.has(trapTarget, key)

console.log("value" in proxy) // false
console.log("name" in proxy) // true
console.log("toString" in proxy) // true
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We start the has function whenever we determine whether or not the proxy has attributes

Use the deleteProperty trap to prevent properties from being deleted

DeleteProperty accepts two arguments:

1. TrapTarget: The object used to receive attributes (the target of the proxy)

2. Key: Attribute key (string or symbol) to be written

let target = {
    name: "target".value: 42

let proxy = new Proxy(traget, {
    deleteProperty(trapTarget, key) {
        if (key === "value") {
            return false
        } else {
            return Reflect.deleteProperty(trapTarget, key)

console.log("value" in proxy) // true

let result1 = delete proxy.value

console.log(result1) // false
console.log("value" in proxy) // true

console.log("name" in proxy) // true

let result2 = delete
console.log(result2) // true
console.log("name" in proxy) // false
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The deleteProperty function is triggered when an external proxy property is deleted

Prototype trap agent (setProptotypeOf getPrototypeOf)

SetProptotypeOf takes two arguments

1. TrapTarget: The object used to receive attributes (the target of the proxy)

2. Proto: Objects used as prototypes

let target = {}

let proxy = new Proxy(target, {

    // called when accessing
    getPrototypeOf(trapTarget) {
        return null
    // called when changing
    setPrototypeOf(trapTarget, proto) {
        return false}})let targetProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(target)
let proxyProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proxy)

console.log(targetProto === Object.prototype) //true
console.log(proxyProto === Object.prototype) // false
console.log(proxyProto) // null

Object.setPrototypeOf(target, {}) / / success

Object.setPrototypeOf(proxy, {}) // Throw an error

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If it works

let target = {}

let proxy = new Proxy(target, {

    // called when accessing
    getPrototypeOf(trapTarget) {
        return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(trapTarget)
    // called when changing
    setPrototypeOf(trapTarget, proto) {
        return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(trapTarget, proto)


let targetProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(target)
let proxyProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proxy)

console.log(targetProto === Object.prototype) //true
console.log(proxyProto === Object.prototype) // true

Object.setPrototypeOf(target, {}) / / success

Object.setPrototypeOf(proxy, {}) / / success
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Property descriptor trap

DefineProperty accepts three arguments:

1. TrapTarget: The object used to receive attributes (the target of the proxy)

2. Key: Attribute key (string or symbol) to be written

3. Descriptor: Description object of attributes

let proxy = new Proxy({}, {
    defineProperty(trapTarget, key, descriptor) { // Descriptor can only accept enumerable, 64x, value, writeable, get, and set
        if (typeof key === "symbol") {
            return false
        return Reflect.defineProperty(trapTarget, key, descriptor)
    getOwnPropertyDescriptor(trapTarget, key) {
        return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(trapTarget, key)

Object.defineProperty(proxy, "name", {
    value: "proxy"

console.log( //proxy

let nameSymbol = Symbol("name")

Object.defineProperty(proxy, nameSymbol, {
    value: "proxy"
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In the external call defineProperty | getOwnPropertyDescriptor triggered when internal definenProperty | getOwnPropertyDescriptor method.

OwnKeys trap

OwnKeys trap can intercept the external Object. The keys (), Object, getOwnPropertyName (), Object, getOwnPropertySymbols () and the Object. The assign () four methods

let proxy = new Proxy({}, {
    ownKeys(trapTarget) {
        return Reflect.ownKeys(trapTarget).filter(key= > {
            return typeofkey ! = ="string" || key[0]! = ='_'})}})let nameSymbol = Symbol("name") = "proxy"

proxy._name = "private"

proxy[nameSymbol] = "symbol"

let names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proxy),
    keys = Object.keys(proxy),
    symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(proxy)

console.log(names.length) / / 1
console.log(names) // name

console.log(keys.length) / / 1
console.log(keys[0]) // name

console.log(symbols.length) / / 1
console.log(symbols[0]) // symbol(name)
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