The operation I am Posting now is: Manage and edit the article on Forestry. IO and save it after it is previewed correctly, and then the automatic process will start. After saving, it will be pushed to the MyBlog warehouse on GitHub. Then synchronize to GitHub and Gitee pages repository, will also refresh the Gitee pages page, so the blog content publishing and management are all managed on a [CMS]() platform. The specific operation has been written in my blog, welcome to visit, below record my overall process of building.

Hugo static site generator

Written in the language boasts the fastest open source generator static web site, I was selected for the establishment of the act as a start, you can directly see the official document, if you don’t understand the words, I was directly in the way of desktop dictionary, where not point where documentation is generally easier to understand, after all is writing exposition, not going to stack where rhetoric.


Points to note:

  1. You can choose the topic to explain the detailed start, even command code is ready

  2. Try a few more topics to start with, some are very easy to use, thanks to the author

  3. Note that some themes need to be generated using the software version of Hugo_extended, which is quite stuck on the top edge

GitHub Actions Event-driven workflow

Website can be automatically deployed all rely on this function, mostly with other people’s open source code, we only need to configure the code to run the required parameters, adjust the execution process, thanks to open source authors, there are Also Chinese documents


Points to note:

  1. Note that the parameter name corresponds to the parameter

  2. Look directly at the GitHub open source repository for instructions, online search will not be detailed or not updated problems

  3. Search the GitHub open source library based on the code usage

GitHub Pages

Giteepages automatic publishing seems to require members, but in normal access is difficult.

Gitee Pages

Open Settings in service

Points to note:

  1. When setting up deploy Key, be careful to create a writable

Forestry. IO Content management system

A management system for forestry based on managing md files of warehouses like GitHub, content editing, management and publishing are all done here, and it is easy to use and free, [article address]


If the content has the inadequacy place, still hope everybody makes the suggestion many exchanges with me more.

For more highlights, please follow my blog Johntunliu.gize. IO/or wechat official account LiuJo…