• P1 Install Go in Linux
  • P2 Set up the go – ethereum
  • P3 Build the underlying technology of blockchain
  • P4 Blockchain technology and application
  • P5 Build Hyperledger Fabric
  • P6 Actual combat blockchain landing (under study)

The gold digger says: It is often not the need first, then the technology implementation, but based on the current technology trends and their own technology capabilities, how to implement the business. Everyone has a master. I have one, too. My mentor told me that in the early stage, business development should be given priority and the problem of business survival should be solved. Of course, modularity and necessary architectural governance are appropriate. Balance is required, but early business resolution is preferred.

Hello, I’m the gold digger. Today, I make a note that Outlines how to build a Hyperledger Fabric. Deployment and implementation should be operation and maintenance work. As a RESEARCH and development engineer, it is necessary to do an exercise in the development environment. Install Hyperledger Fabric V1.4 on Ali cloud, the server resources will be released soon, hurry up to use the weekend exercise to make a manual. I started learning Hyperledger Fabric. Installing it really bothered me. I couldn’t follow up due to business at hand.

Priority condition

  1. CURL – The latest version
  2. Docker – version 17.06 +
  3. Docker Compose- Version 1.14.0+
  4. Golang – version 1.11 x
  5. Nodejs – version 8. X
  6. NPM – version 5. X
  7. Python 2.7

The version is not redundant according to the Fabric V1.4 documentation and is seen at the bottom.

Linux installation

1. Create a new user

Ignore, operation and maintenance implementation

2. cURL

Ignore, operation and maintenance implementation

Docker and Docker Compose

Ignore, operation and maintenance implementation

4. Nodejs and NPM

Ignore, operation and maintenance implementation

5. Python 2.7

Ignore, operation and maintenance implementation

6. Install the sample binaries and Docker images

Ignore, operation and maintenance implementation

7. Test the Fabric network

With the Fabric environment set up, let’s test it.

For testing we will use the first-network example in fabric-samples.

Open the structure sample and go to First-Network.

cd fabric-samples/first-network
Copy the code

To test it, run byfn.sh. This is a test script that takes the lead in setting up a network with 2 org1 and org22 peers for each orderer.

./byfn.sh up
Copy the code

After successful execution, you will see the following message.

If you stop here, you have successfully set up a Fabric network.

We have now completed our first first-network and cleaned up the network.

./byfn down
Copy the code

OK, we have finished installing Hyperledger Fabric on our Linux machine.