Participate in the “Alibaba cloud native” public number at the end of the message to ask questions, have the opportunity to get book benefits!

The first phase of CNCF X Alibaba Cloud Native Technology Open Course (video course) jointly developed by Ali Cloud and CNCF has been ** updated. ** In order to make everyone have a better learning experience, we turn the video course into pictures and texts, and ask the lecturer to edit them into articles, which will be serialized weekly on our official account with the series of “Starting from Zero to K8s”.

This article sorted out all the course articles 31, looking forward to learning Kubernetes students to provide some reference. If you have questions for the lecturer, or suggestions for the iteration of the course, you are welcome to leave a message at the end of the book giveaway!

Click the following link to go to watch video version 】 【 courses:…

[Graphic course] See the summary of articles below.

PPT summary

“Alibaba cloud original” public number background reply ** “entry” **, you can download the course all PPT collection!

The article summary

  • Period 1: The first “Cloud native” class

  • 课时 2: basic concepts of containers

  • 课时 3: core concepts of Kubernetes

  • Lesson 4: Understand Pod and container design patterns

  • 课时 5: application arrangement and management of K8s: core principles

  • 课时 6: application configuration management: Deplyment

  • 课时 7: application orchestration and management: Job & DaemonSet

  • Class 8: Application of configuration management

  • Lesson 9: Applying storage and Persistence to data volumes – Core knowledge

  • Lesson 10: Applying Storage and Persistence to Data Volumes: Snapshot storage and Topology Scheduling

  • 课时11: observability: is your app healthy?

  • Class 12: Observability: Monitoring and logging

  • 课 程 13: Kubernetes Network concept and strategic control

  • 课 hour 14: Service Discovery and Load Balancing in Kubernetes

  • Lesson 15: Dive into the Linux container

  • Special: Making a Helm Charts from 0

  • 课时 16: walk you through etcd

  • Lesson 17: EtCD performance optimization practice

  • Lesson 18: Kubernetes Scheduling and Resource Management

  • Lesson 19: Scheduler scheduling process and algorithm introduction

  • 课时 20: GPU management and Device Plugin working mechanism

  • 课时 21: Kubernetes storage architecture and plug-in usage

  • 课时 22: orchestration of stateful applications – StatefulSet

  • 课时 23: Kubernetes API programming paradigm

  • 课 程 24: Kubernetes API programming tools: Operator and Operator Framework

  • 课时 25: advanced Kubernetes network model

  • 课时 26: understand CNI and CNI plug-ins

  • 课时 27: access control for K8s security

  • Lesson 28: Understand the container runtime interface CRI

  • Lesson 29: The founder of Kata Containers introduces you to safe container technology

  • Lesson 30: Understanding RuntimeClass and using multiple container runtimes

More content welcome to pay attention to the “Alibaba cloud original” public number.

The selection of welfare

Before 10:00 on April 10, write down ** the questions you want to ask the lecturer and the content you want to add to the course in the message area of “Alibaba Cloud Native” public account. ** We will give you a gift politely:

  • The top 3 winners with the most likes will get a book of Kubernetes Advancement and Combat.
  • The winner of the 4th to 6th place with the most likes will get 1 Doll tao;
  • The winner with the most likes from 7 to 10 will get a CNCF genuine fidget spinner.

“Alibaba Cloud originator focuses on micro-service, Serverless, container, Service Mesh and other technical fields, focuses on the trend of cloud native popular technology, large-scale implementation of cloud native practice, and becomes the public account that most understands cloud native developers.”