This is the sixth day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

There are so many online learning resources available today that you can find just about anything you want to learn. But to stick to it and learn a skill well is a test of willpower. I should have the right to speak here. The state of general network learners can be summarized as follows:

(1) Just began to learn enthusiastically, watching the video, learning very smoothly. But is not willing to start, always is a “I already know” under the self-feeling, to encounter practical problems cool, and then from the entry to give up.

(2) Step by step, follow the steps in the video. However, when faced with problems that could not be solved, the video did not explain specific solutions, and then I did not know how to do, and finally I gave up.

(3) Learn on the fly, follow the video, and keep thinking. When I encounter problems, I will solve them by myself. When I solve them one by one, my sense of achievement will increase continuously. Finally, my skills will be enough to solve the work. In the work, also insist on the attitude of continuous learning, finally can reach a very high level.

After all this nonsense, let’s get down to business. As IT practitioners, from the beginning of learning a technology is often the environment configuration of a group of people baffled. My idea is to build a big data cluster environment in my own computer, I choose virtual machine, after all, my computer configuration is limited. Today, I will mainly talk about the modification of host name and Linux network configuration. In the later stage, big data cluster will involve many machines, so it is necessary to manage each machine in an orderly manner. The following two attachments are the virtual machine installation and the basic installation of CentOS involved in the silicon Valley teaching video. Please refer to the following documents for operation, and there is basically no problem. In the actual process of operation, you can leave a message at the end of the article to help you solve the problem.

Big data technology installation VMWare. Doc

Installing CentOS and network configuration. Doc for Linux with big data technology

(4) Overwrite the hosts file in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc directory on the desktop

The operation process of this article is more detailed, we can collect as notes, use and then look back. If you’re a beginner like me and you follow the instructions, there’s usually no problem. Xiaobian will continue to update big data and other content, please stay tuned. More exciting content, please pay attention to the public number: Xiao Han senior take you to learn