The night before yesterday, I attended an information conference at school. I went there with the intention of learning the business, but it turned out to be fruitful. The classroom was full when I got there. There were only a few empty seats in the front, so I took a vacant seat and sat down, sitting next to a company employee who came to talk about the company. I talked to him a little bit before we started, but I felt like he was a little quiet. The publicity meeting officially began. Hr said, “First of all, please invite the technical director of our company to introduce the company’s technical development to everyone, during which you can ask questions”. The black short-sleeved, jeans and glasses employee sitting next to me who was chatting just now stood up. My first reaction was surprise, and his basic information was displayed on the screen. He had a master’s degree in computer science from Tsinghua University and worked in the infrastructure group of Baidu. He Shared a lot of, also back to a lot of questions, but said a very impressive, then choose the baidu, give up the other offer, because he felt that baidu will lead to the time of the precipitation technology, operating more data (he is the direction of the big data), there is a good stage and infrastructure (data, technology) to work for him, so he chose to baidu. Now I think I made the right choice. The next day afternoon, my second face, round and round or appeared in his opposite, may be fate. In the process of the second interview, he came up with two algorithms related to business (in fact, they operate two ordered arrays and merge multiple ordered arrays, but the data volume is large and the processing machine is a single machine), and told me not to use open source frameworks — Hadoop,hbase, Spark, etc. With the most basic data structure, massive data can still be stored and manipulated. I am more shocked state at that time, the shock is not only derived from the two algorithm problem, but I always thought the data structure before learning is through language to learn, algorithm is used to detect the fresh raw code ability, most of the brush as long as the topic, and unconvincing, because we can’t go into the company to write multiple merge with bubble sort, And then there was the man with the eyes, the short black sleeves, the quiet, the very calm interviewer — he had a lot of technical know-how. He was asked two questions before the second interview was over. After the end of the second face floating in the sky heart finally sink down, the evening in the dormitory baidu this interviewer, really baidu to. The choices he faced all those years ago are the same choices we’re making today. School enrollment of gold nine silver ten, golden September almost came to the end, almost everyone now to face the choice of time. Platform, technology, business, salary, etc. It’s also time to calm down and sum up.