Abstract: In the horizontal expansion phase, the load balancing scalability is increased by using SLB to connect NGINX. In the database split phase, the database is divided into tables and libraries by using DRDS.

Direct Best Practices: Upgrade High Concurrency Systems in the Cloud Best Practices Channel: Click to see more Cloud Best Practices

Here is a rich enterprise cloud best practices, starting from typical scenarios, to provide a series of project practices, reduce the threshold of enterprise cloud at the same time to meet your needs!

Scene description

With the development of business, the pressure of system concurrency is increasing, and how to transform the system to meet the business requirements of high concurrency scenarios has become a technical problem. This practice abstracts from the customer’s actual scenario and provides theoretical guidance and some practical demonstration of system transformation under high concurrency. Mainly applicable to the following scenarios: 1. System concurrent pressure is large, the system application transformation is needed. 2. The concurrent pressure of the data layer is high, so it is necessary to transform the database into tables. 3. There is a huge amount of data in the database, and it is urgent to divide the database into tables to solve the query and write bottleneck.

To solve the problem

1. In the horizontal expansion stage, in addition to load balancing through SLB, we can increase the scalability of the load balancing side by suspending NGINX through SLB. 2. In the stage of database splitting, after data planning is done, we use DTS for data migration and use DRDS to split the data of RDS MySQL into multiple sub-databases and sub-tables.

Product list

  • Cloud server ECS
  • Database RDSMySQL
  • Data Transfer Service DTS
  • PrivateZone
  • Distributed relational database DRDS

Direct best practices

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