A:The JDK installation:

Unpack the JDK

Change the JDK name (to match the JDK name set in the profile)

View Profile: Find the path to run the instruction

Vim Profile goes into edit mode, finds the environment variable statement (the variable name is the same as the JDK), and refreshes the configuration

A line Java-version statement is correct when you see the following

2:Install the Linux database:

If the installation error occurs, execute the yum clear all statement to clear the download and reinstall (make sure the network is clear).

  1. [root@localhost SRC]# systemctl start mariadb

    [root@localhost SRC]# systemctl restart mariadb 3. [root@localhost SRC]# systemctl stop mariadb 4. [root@localhost SRC]# systemctl enable mariadb 5. Disable disable mariadb from startup [root@localhost SRC]# systemctl

Initialize the database:

Enter the password (no operation if it has already been set)

Login to the database

(* Note)

Databases and Linux have a layer of permissions (firewall), to smooth access to set up the permissions.

Database firewall:

Mysql > select host, root, password from user

Change host=localhost to % and refresh permissions

Linux firewall:

If firewall is on, it will display RUNNING. If it is on, it will be closed manually

Try to connect to the database outside Linux, if the permission change is successful, the connection is normal

Three:Package the project and copy it to the newly created folder

The program runs at the back end


Download and install NGINX

Linux Nginx startup:

  1. Start nginx:./nginx start nginx
  2. Restore nginx:./ nginx-s reload nginx-s reload
  3. Nginx:./ nginx-s stop nginx-s stop /nging Run script startup Successfull boot front-end project (dist) into nginx root

Configure the NGINX reverse proxy


Project publication successfully started and accessed the project

Reference code:

