Yesterday my friend looked for me to drink, said 30 years old, more anxiety, money did not earn, all day long by daughter-in-law scolded.

In fact, what we see now is not necessarily the real situation, even from the Gaussian distribution, ordinary life is the track of most people. Of course, douyin and Zhihu can’t be compared. Their per capita income is one million yuan, and they are rich, handsome and white, rich and beautiful. But that is packaged.

Life should keep an optimistic and hard-working heart, life needs hard work, but success needs luck.

Even if you don’t succeed, isn’t it nice to be a happy fat nerd and be happy every day?

Today I would like to share a project based on SpringBoot + Spring Data JPA, as shown below:

Project introduction

The background management system, based on The SpringBoot2.0 + Spring Data Jpa + Thymeleaf + Shiro development of the background management system, adopts a modular way to facilitate development and maintenance, support the front and back module deployment respectively, currently support the following functions: Authority management, department management, dictionary management, log recording, file upload, code generation, for rapid development of background system scaffolding!

Technology selection

Back-end technology: SpringBoot + Spring Data Jpa + Thymeleaf + Shiro + Jwt + EhCache

Front-end technology: Layui + Jquery + zTree + font-awesome Reference address:

New project structure

! []( imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip|imageView2/2/w/799/format/webp)

Feature list

User management: Used to manage users in the background system, including adding, deleting, modifying, and checking.

Role management: The minimum unit for assigning rights to users by role.

Menu management: Used to configure system menus and as a permission resource.

Department management: Users are managed and differentiated by different departments.

Dictionary management: unified management of some data that needs to be transformed, such as: male, female, etc.

Behavior log: Records user operations on the system and monitors errors that occur during system running.

File upload: built-in file upload interface, convenient for developers to use the file upload function.

Code generation: Helps developers develop projects quickly, reduce unnecessary duplication and focus more on business implementation.

Form Building: Quickly build a form module by dragging and dropping.

Data interface: Automatically generates relevant API interface documents according to the business code

Install the tutorial

Environment and plug-in requirements


Mysql5.5 +


Lombok (Important)

Import the project

IntelliJ IDEA: Import Project from External Model -> Import Project from Maven

Eclipse: Import -> Exising Mavne Project

Run the project

Through the Java application running under the admin module. Com linln. BootApplication. Java file

Database configuration: Database name timo User root Password root

Visit http://localhost:8080/

The default password is admin or 123456


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Need can forward + concern scan