

The crawler: 1.

A, 1

2. Function 2

Iii. Realization Process 2

4. Difficulty 3

Interface: 3

(2) When the mouse is detected to slide over the image area, the song information at the bottom of the image is changed from the original line of album name 6

Text search: 9

A library. 9

Ii. Principle 9

Implement Step 10

H5py 2.OpenCV 11

3. Numpy 11

Ii. Principle 11

Implement Step 11

Test 12

V. Contrast 13

Ffmpeg 2. Wave 3. Pyaudio 13

Ii. Principle 13

Three, implementation steps: 13

1. Audio format transcoding 13

2. Extracting audio features 15

3. Data store 17

4. Match method 17

5. Search 18

Test 19

Division of labor: 19

This experimental report will be divided into five parts for separate analysis, which are crawler, interface, text search, image search and audio search.

The crawler:

A, libraries,

1. requests

2. urllib

Two, to achieve the function

Get the content of the web page and parse it using json.loads

2. Can quickly locate the information of songs and albums, including album name, singer, lyrics, album introduction, release time, genre, release company, etc

3. Able to download songs and pictures from the web
