This is the 10th day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge

Main technology: spring, springmvc, springboot,mybatis, jquery , Md5,bootstarp.js, Tomcat, rich text compilers, interceptors, etc Main functions: user login, user’s phone number registered, ms commodity browsing, classification and fuzzy search goods sell like hot cakes, shuffling diagram design and view, commodity management, cart management, order management, shipping address, order process control management, user management, change passwords, etc Main function of screenshots: login and registration functions:

Homepage rotation diagram and recommending women to browse goods, fuzzy view and classification view and other operations:

Add shopping cart and order operation and modify receiving information, etc. The process is very well developed

Complete purchase order and payment process

Analog pay treasure to pay, here is analog direct pay success

Background admin data maintenance module:

Background main function design: each module has list query, add, modify. Delete and other operations

Rowhead diagram configuration design: only picture information can be displayed or jump to the page

Configure hot – selling lady goods and like goods, etc

Flexible management controls for commodity types, where the configuration front-end user shows those

Product details configuration list

Add female products, the rich text compiler used in this place to upload the product information, can directly copy data from places like Taobao.

User information management,

Order information management: order information process mainly includes: user simulation payment after the distribution of goods, out of the warehouse, order completion, and view order information and view recipient information and other functions

Document structure:

Ok, that’s all for today, friends like, favorites, comments, one key three go, see you next time ~~