First, use scenarios

Maps can be used in a wide range of scenarios. Map positioning can more intuitively explain the location and surrounding environment, so that users can better understand the geographical location information, navigation function better path planning, to facilitate travel. Location, navigation and so on have become one of the most common functions on the Internet.

Two, technical introduction

There are many common map apis in the market, such as:

Baidu Map API:

Amap AP:

Tencent map

Sogou Map API:

The most commonly used are amap API(Ali) and Baidu Map API.

What I want to talk about here is baidu map API.

3. Use of technology

The introduction is: positioning technology, mainly about path planning and navigation.

1 Account Description

Check the API address:

To use the service, you need to register an account and apply for a key (AK). There is no limit on the number of times the interface can be used

  1. Log in
  2. Access the console
  3. View application > Create Application, enter the application name and application type, select all services, and set the whitelist to * during development
  4. submit

You can get the AK for the service

2 helloworld

Prepare an HTML page and import a JS file in the format of

<script type="text/javascript" src="Https:// your key">
Copy the code

Then create a map container.

<! DOCTYPEhtml> 
<meta name="viewport" content="Initial - scale = 1.0, the user - the scalable = no" /> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
<title>Hello, World</title> 
<style type="text/css"> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="Https:// your key">
<div id="container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var map = new BMapGL.Map("container");
// Create a map instance
var point = new BMapGL.Point(116.404.39.915);
// Create the point coordinates, denoted by tiananmen coordinates
map.centerAndZoom(point, 15);
// Initialize the map, set the center point coordinates and map level
Copy the code

Then create a map object in JS, place it in the container, and then you can also set a mark point, with the mark point as the center, expand the map.

Note that the API is related to the version of js introduced, changing the JS path to someone else’s Baidu map may cause the invalidation of the customized map [because of different API versions], for example, the map API of Web development is BMapGL.




This class is the core class of the Map API and is used to instantiate a map. Note that the namespace of the Map API for the WebGL version is BMapGL, which varies from version to version. Example: const map = new (‘container’);

The constructor describe
Map(container: String | HTMLElement, opts: MapOptions ) Create a Map instance in the specified container, and then initialize the Map by calling the map.centerandZoom () method. ** Uninitialized maps will not be able to perform any operations

It is recommended to place the map initialization at the top of the JS, and then put some operations, such as label retrieval and relocation, in the initialization function.

This way, when our center point needs to be retrieved from the database, or when we need to obtain user location, we can call map.centerandZoom () to initialize the Map, passing in a fixed default point.

Otherwise the experience will be poor if the query fails or the user refuses to give a location, the map can’t be initialized or initialization takes too long.

methods The return value describe
enableDragging() none Enable map drag, enabled by default
disableDragging() none Disable map drag and drop
enableInertialDragging() none Enable map inertial drag, disabled by default
disableInertialDragging() none Disable map inertial drag
enableScrollWheelZoom() none Allows maps to be zoomed by mouse wheel, disabled by default
disableScrollWheelZoom() none Disables map zooming by mouse wheel
enableContinuousZoom() none Enable double click smooth zoom effect
disableContinuousZoom() none Turn off the double click smooth zoom effect
enableResizeOnCenter() none The center point of open map resize remains unchanged
disableResizeOnCenter() none Resize center point of closed map remains unchanged
enableDoubleClickZoom() none Enable map double – click zoom, left – click zoom, right – click zoom
disableDoubleClickZoom() none Cancel the map double-click zoom
enableKeyboard() none Enable keyboard operations. By default, keyboard operations are disabled. The top, bottom, left and right keys of the keyboard can move the map continuously. Pressing two of these keys simultaneously moves the map diagonally. The PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End keys shift the map by 1/2 of its size. The + and – keys make the map zoom in or out one level
disableKeyboard() none Disabling keyboard operations
enablePinchToZoom() none Enable two-finger zoom map.
disablePinchToZoom() none Disables two-finger zoom maps.
enableRotateGestures() none Whether it is possible to rotate the map using gestures.
enableTiltGestures() none Whether it is allowed to tilt the map with gestures.
enableAutoResize() none Enable Automatic container size adaptation. This function is enabled by default
disableAutoResize() none Disable auto adaptation to container size changes
checkResize() none This method is called to relay the map after the map container changes
resize() none Forces the map to be resized, at which point the image data required for the view is recalculated and redrawn against the current container size. When auto View is turned off (enableAutoResizeConfig), you need to call this method to force a map refresh.
getSize() Size Returns the current size of the map, in pixels
getContainerSize() Size Gets the map container size
getZoomUnits() Number Returns the current map level and how many units of flat Mercator coordinates a pixel corresponds to
getContainer() HTMLElement Returns the DOM container element of the map. Map containers are obtained by implementing the Control.initialize() method and adding the container elements of the Control to the map when creating user-defined controls
pixelToPoint(pixel: Pixel ) Point Pixel coordinates are converted to latitude and longitude coordinates
pointToPixel(point: Point ) Pixel Convert latitude and longitude coordinates to pixel coordinates
lnglatToMercator(lng: Number, lat: Number) [McLng, McLat] Latitude and longitude sphere coordinates are converted to Mercator plane coordinates
mercatorToLnglat(McLng: Number, lat: McLat) [lng, lat] Mercator plane coordinates are converted to latitude and longitude spherical coordinates
isLoaded() boolean Returns whether the map was initialized by centerAndZoom
addSpots(spots: Array, options: Object) number Add location areas as virtual clickable areas on the map. Parameter spots indicates the hot zone point group, and options is optional. Returns the area ID.
getSpots(id: string) Array Returns an array of locations based on id
removeSpots(id: number) none Removes array of regions by ID
clearSpots() none Clears the site area, which clears all virtual pointable data
clearLabels() none Clear all custom base map labels in the current map
addLabelsToMapTile(labels:Array) none Add text to the base map, these text and the base map text will participate in dodge.
removeLabelsFromMapTile(labelUids:Array) none Removes the text annotation from the base image, taking uid array as the parameter and removing it according to the UID in the array
getIconByClickPosition(clickPosition: Pixel) Object | null Get the base map icon in the current point by clicking the coordinate, return {name, uid, position} if it is obtained, otherwise return null
setBounds(bounds:Bounds) none Set dragable area of the map. Parameter is the range of dragable area of the map
getBounds() Bounds Gets the rectangular region of the map’s current field of view, expressed in geographic coordinates. Returns an empty map if the map has not been initializedBoundsInstance.
getCoordType() string Gets the map coordinate type, CoordType constant
getMapStyleId() string Gets the current map style ID, or the style name for the built-in style; For custom styles, the internally generated style ID is returned
getPanes() MapPanes Gets the overlay container element that returns the map overlay container object
getInfoWindow() InfoWindow | null Gets an instance of the currently open info window, or if the current map does not have an open status info windownull
setDefaultCursor(cursor: String) none Sets the default mouse pointer style for the map. The parameter cursor must comply with the CSS cursor property specification
getDefaultCursor() String Gets the default mouse pointer style of the map, returning a cursor value
setDraggingCursor(cursor: String) none Sets the mouse pointer style for dragging and dropping a map. The parameter cursor must comply with the CSS cursor property specification
getDraggingCursor() String Returns the mouse pointer style for dragging and dropping the map
setMinZoom(zoom: Number) none Sets the minimum level allowed on the map. The value must be at least the minimum level allowed by the map type
setMaxZoom(zoom: Number) none Sets the maximum level allowed on the map. The value cannot be greater than the maximum level allowed by the map type
getDistance(start: Point , end: Point ) Number Returns the distance between two points in meters
getMapType() MapTypeId Return map type
setViewport(view: Array | Viewport , viewportOptions: ViewportOptions ) none Set the map view according to the geographic region or coordinates provided. The adjusted view is guaranteed to include the geographic region or coordinates provided
getViewport(view: Array< Point >, viewportOptions: ViewportOptions ) Viewport The best map view is obtained according to the geographic region or coordinates provided. The returned object contains the Center and Zoom attributes, representing the center point and level of the map, respectively. This method only returns the view information and does not apply the new center point and level to the current map
centerAndZoom(center: Point , zoom: Number) none Let’s initialize the map. If the center type is Point, zoom must be assigned levels 3-19. If the hd base map (developed for mobile terminals) is called, Zoom can be assigned levels 3-18. If the center type is a string, such as “Beijing”, zoom can be ignored, and the map will automatically match the best zoom level according to Center
panTo(center: Point ) none Change the center point of the map to the given point, jump to the specified center point for rendering. If the point is already visible in the current map view, it is moved to the center point in a smooth animation. You can configure to force movement without animation
panBy(x: Number, y: Number) none Move the map x pixels horizontally and y pixels vertically. If the specified pixel is larger than the viewable area or if no animation is specified in the configuration, the slide effect is not performed
flyTo(center: Point , zoom: Number) none Fly to the specified center point and level, available for use on the positioning zoom map
reset() none Reset the map to restore the center point and level of the map when it was initialized
setCenter(center: Point | String[, options: Object]) none Set the center point of the map. In addition to being a coordinate point, center also supports city names. Optional configuration parameters include ‘noAnimation: Boolean ‘whether animation is disabled; This method is called after the ‘callback: function’ animation ends, or immediately if there is no animation
getCenter() Point Returns the current center point of the map
setMapType(mapTypeId: MapTypeId ) none Setting map Type
setZoom(zoom: Number[,options]) none Switches the view to the specified zoom level, leaving the center point coordinates unchanged. Note: When an information window is open on the map, map zooming will keep the coordinate position of the information window unchanged. Optional configuration parameters include ‘noAnimation: Boolean ‘whether animation is disabled; This method is called after the ‘callback:function’ animation ends, or immediately if there is no animation; ‘zoomCenter: Point’ zooms to the center Point of the map by default
getZoom() Number Returns the current zoom level of the map
zoomIn() none Zoom in level 1 view
zoomOut() none Zoom out level 1 view
addControl(control: Control ) none To add a control to a map, a control instance can only be added to the map once
removeControl(control: Control ) none Removes the control from the map. This removal has no effect if the control was never added to the map
addContextMenu()(menu: ContextMenu ) none Add right-click menu
removeContextMenu()(menu: ContextMenu ) none Remove right-click menu
addOverlay(overlay: Overlay ) none To add a overlay to a map, an instance of a overlay can only be added to the map once
removeOverlay(overlay: Overlay ) none Remove overlay from map. If the overlay was never added to the map, the removal has no effect
clearOverlays() none Clear all overlay from the map
pointToOverlayPixel(point: Point ) Pixel Get the coordinates of the corresponding coverings container based on geographic coordinates. This method is used to customize coverings
overlayPixelToPoint(pixel: Pixel ) Point Obtain the corresponding geographic coordinates according to the coordinates of the covering container
getOverlays() Array< Overlay > Gets all overlay objects on the current map, returning a collection of overlay objects
getPanes() MapPanes Returns the list of map overlay containers
getCurrentMaxTilt() number Gets the maximum tilt Angle allowed on the current map
hightlightSpotByUid(uid: string, tilePosStr: string) none The POI on the base map is highlighted based on uid, where the parameter tilePosStr is the position string of label
resetSpotStatus() none Reset hot spot status, to unhighlight hot spot
addAreaSpot() none Reset hot spot status, to unhighlight hot spot
getAreaSpot(id: string) Array Returns an array of locations
removeAreaSpot(id: string) none Remove array of regions
clearAreaSpots() none Clears the site area, which clears all virtual pointable data
setTrafficOn() none Turn on the traffic layer
setTrafficOff() none Close the road condition layer
showOverlayContainer() none Display overlay
hideOverlayContainer() none Cover is not shown
setMapStyleV2(config: Object) none Set the personalization map to personalization configuration object
startViewAnimation(viewAnimation: ViewAnimation) Number Start perspective animation
cancelViewAnimation(viewAnimation: ViewAnimation) none Stop perspective animation
getMapScreenshot() url Get map screenshots. Earth mode is not supported. PreserveDrawingBuffer: true is required to initialize the map, otherwise black screen is displayed
loadMapStyleFiles(callback: Function) none The style file required to load the current style of the map, callback is the callback function after loading successfully
setCopyrightOffset(logo: Object, cpy: Object) none Set the location of copyright information. Logo is the location of logo, and copyright is the location of text
destroy() none Destroy the map. When rendering the map using WebGL, if you confirm that the map instance is no longer used, you need to call this method to destroy the WebGL context. Otherwise, frequent creation of new map instances will cause the browser to send a warning: too many WebGL Context
isSupportEarth() boolean Check whether the browser supports earth, return true if it does, false otherwise
The event parameter describe
click {type, target, latlng, pixel, overlay} This event is triggered when a map is left-clicked. When double-clicked, the sequence of events generated is: click click dblclick
dblclick {type, target, pixel, point} This event is triggered when you double-click a map
rightclick {type, target, latlng, pixel, overlay} This event is triggered when you right-click a map. When double-clicked, the resulting sequence of events is: rightclick rightclick rightdblclick
rightdblclick {type, target, latlng, pixel, overlay} This event is triggered when you right-click a map
maptypechange {type, target} This event is triggered when the map type changes
mousemove {type, target, latlng, pixel, overlay} This event is triggered when the mouse moves over a map area
mouseover {type, target} This event is triggered when the mouse moves over a map area
mouseout {type, target} This event is triggered when the mouse moves out of the map area
movestart {type, target} Trigger this event when map movement begins
moving {type, target} Trigger this event while the map is moving
moveend {type, target} Trigger this event when map movement ends
zoomstart {type, target} This event is triggered when the map changes zoom level
zoomend {type, target} This event is triggered when the map changes zoom level
addoverlay {type, target} This event is emitted when a single overlay is added to a Map using the map.addoverlay () method
addcontrol {type, target} This event is emitted when a single control is added to a Map using the map.addControl () method
removecontrol {type, target} This event is emitted when a single control is removed using the map.removecontrol () method
removeoverlay {type, target} This event is emitted when a single overlay is removed using the map.removeOverlay () method
clearoverlays {type, target} This event is triggered when all coverings are removed at once using the map.clearoverlays () method
dragstart {type, target, pixel, point} Triggered when you start dragging the map
dragging {type, target, pixel, point} Triggered during map dragging
dragend {type, target, pixel, point} Triggered when stopping dragging maps
resize {type, target, size} This event is triggered when the size of the map’s viewable area changes


If the user fails to return the current location of the user, the locating interface of the browser will be invoked first. If the user fails to return the current location of the user, the locating interface of the browser will be invoked. If the user refuses to authorize locating, no locating result will be returned.

The constructor describe
Geolocation() Create a Geolocation object instance
methods The return value describe
getCurrentPosition(callback: Function, opts:PositionOptions) none Returns the current location of the user. When the location is complete (including success, failure, and timeout), the callback parameter is GeolocationResult. Otherwise, the callback parameter is NULL
enableSDKLocation() none Sdk-assisted locating takes effect only when mobile Web hybrid development is used and the SDK-assisted locating function is enabled
disableSDKLocation() none Disable sdK-assisted location


This class represents an image annotation on a map.

The constructor describe
Marker(point: Point , opts: MarkerOptions ) Create an image annotation instance. The point parameter specifies the geographic location of the image annotation
methods The return value describe
setIcon(icon: Icon ) none Sets the icon object to use for the annotation
getIcon() Icon Returns the icon object used for the annotation
setPosition(position: Point ) none Sets the geographic coordinates of the annotation
getPosition() Point Returns the geographic coordinates of the annotation
setOffset(offset: Size ) none Sets the offset value of the annotation
getOffset() Size Returns the offset value of the annotation
setTitle(title: String) none Sets the annotation’s title, which is displayed when the mouse is over the annotation
getTitle() String Returns the title of the annotation
setLabel(label: Label ) none Add text annotations to annotations
getLabel() Label Returns the text content of the annotation
enableDragging() none Enable annotation drag and drop
disableDragging() none Turn off annotation drag and drop
enableMassClear() none Allows coverings to be cleared in the Map. ClearOverlays method
disableMassClear() none Forbidden coverings to be cleared in the Map. ClearOverlays method
setZIndex(zIndex: Number) none Set the zIndex of the overlay
getMap() Map Returns the map object of the overlay
setRotation(rotation: Number) none Sets the rotation Angle of the point
getRotation() Number Gets the rotation Angle of a point
addEventListener(event: String, handler: Function) none Add event listener functions
removeEventListener(event: String, handler: Function) none Remove the event listener function


The constructor describe
Label(content: String, opts: LabelOptions ) Create a text annotation instance. The point parameter specifies the geographic location of the text annotation
methods The return value describe
setStyle(styles: Object) none Sets the text annotation style that will be applied to the container elements of the text annotation. Styles are JavaScript object constants, such as setStyle({color: “red”, fontSize: “12px”}) note: if the CSS property name contains a hyphen, remove the hyphen and capitalize the following characters. For example, write the backgroundColor as backgroundColor
setContent(content: String) none Sets the content of the text annotation. Supports HTML
setPosition(position: Point) none Set text annotation coordinates. Only valid text annotations added through the map.addoverlay () method
getPosition() Point Gets the geographic coordinates of the Label
setOffset(offset: Size) none Sets the offset value of the text annotation
getOffset() Size Returns the offset value of the text annotation
setTitle(title: String) none Sets the title of the text annotation to be displayed when the mouse is over the annotation
getTitle() String Returns the title of the text annotation
enableMassClear() none Allows coverings to be cleared in the Map. ClearOverlays method
disableMassClear() none Forbidden coverings to be cleared in the Map. ClearOverlays method
setZIndex(zIndex: Number) none Set the zIndex of the overlay
setPosition(position: Point) none Setting geographic Coordinates
getMap() Map Returns the map object of the overlay
addEventListener(event: String, handler: Function) none Add event listener functions
removeEventListener(event: String, handler: Function) none Remove the event listener function
The event parameter describe
click event{type, target} This event is triggered when a text annotation is clicked
dblclick event{type, target} This event is triggered by double-clicking a text annotation
mousedown event{type, target} This event is triggered when the mouse is pressed over a text annotation
mouseup event{type, target} This event is triggered when the mouse is released over a text annotation
mouseout event{type, target} This event is triggered when the mouse moves away from a text annotation
mouseover event{type, target} This event is triggered when the mouse enters the text annotation area
remove event{type, target} Triggered when removing text annotations
rightclick event{type, target} Trigger this event when you right-click on a annotation