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Credit: Maria Teneva

There are always better programmers. In fact, according to one statistic: a few of them are really good, some are good, most are at least competent as programmers, some are barely competent, and some are distasteful.

That said, the difference between a good programmer and a bad programmer is not necessarily coding skills. It’s actually something more basic: bad habits, for example. Bad habits can be hard to remove from your life and work.

That said, developers often pick up bad habits when coding, which ultimately prevent them from reaching their full potential. While certain habits can help productivity, others (like wiping your face with peppermint while typing) can have a negative impact on your business and personal life.

People are often unaware of their own bad habits, and what we need is for others to reveal them. As in life, there are no hard and fast rules in programming, and sometimes you win.

Here are some bad habits that need to be broken as soon as possible.

1. My code is the best.

Whenever I climb, I am followed by a dog named Ego.

Friedrich Nietzsche

All teams need is a humble attitude, a thirst for knowledge, and a smart person: humble with a bit of ego, but more focused on his teammates than himself; Thirst for knowledge refers to a strong work ethic, which means a programmer’s willingness to do the best he or she can. Cleverness is not only intellectual, but also intrinsic.

Don’t judge other people’s code; it could be your own code that isn’t perfect in the spotlight. Observe as objectively and professionally as possible, without judging. Stay humble and learn from those around you.

Always remember that your ego is an obstacle to your work. If you start out believing you’re great, that’s when creativity dries up. When you think there is nothing to learn, the door to learning closes.

I can solve this problem right away.

There is no shortcut to success.

Angela Duckworth

But do yourself a favor. Allow yourself to get out of the box of life. Spending all that time scrubbing every nook and cranny with a toothbrush misses the point. Taking shortcuts doesn’t mean shortcuts lead to the end result.

Shortcuts are tempting, and everyone has done them at one time or another. There are actually some situations where cutting corners is necessary, but in general, it’s dangerous, extremely dangerous, and should be avoided. The wrong shortcut may save hours of time, but is more likely to cause months of pain and negative reputational damage.

Taking shortcuts and living freely is not really freedom.

3. I can remember everything. I don’t need to take notes.

Documentation is like sex; When it’s good, it’s very, very good, and when it’s bad, it’s better than nothing.

Dick Brandon

Documentation is like programming castor oil. Managers think it’s good for programmers, and programmers hate it!

But great developers make it an inherent part of everyday life.

They realize that, like any business function, software development teams are always in flux. Programmers may change jobs, move from one department to another, or retire. Worst-case scenarios like illness, injury or death can marginalize you when you least expect it.

Code gets old. Developers who haven’t touched code for a year or more can easily forget how to code.

Access to design documents, API rules, man pages, and code comments, for example, can mean differences between shipping products and deadlines.

This attitude makes them a valuable asset to the team. You don’t become “irreplaceable” by deliberately not recording anything. And you end up being the “irreversible” liability of your team.

4) It’s not me!

Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.

Bruce Lee

Perhaps the above statement is more than mere understatement. It is one of the most important qualities of a truly great developer.

We can always find excuses…… It’s like saying that under normal circumstances we never make a mistake, which frankly is hard to believe.

Bad developers blame customers for “not using” the product properly. They failed to take responsibility for the whole product and mistakes. But one thing is for sure, everyone knows who should take the blame when others make mistakes.

What is to be gained by shirking responsibility? Nothing.

A healthy attitude is one where you can say, “Yes, I’m sorry, now we need to do this to fix this, it’s my fault.” This helps build a reputation and makes it easier for colleagues to understand.

The sooner you admit your mistakes, the more time you have to learn and correct them. It’s that simple!!

5. Your “done” is unfinished.

Do not ask the user to provide information that the system already knows.

Rick Lemons

If you think of programming as generative, there are a lot of unsatisfied computers. You can skip it, quit and fall asleep. One concept I find you struggle with is the concept of completion.

Remember, done means tested and approved according to user requirements. What programmers think is done is not really done.

A good developer is eager to learn new things. They strive to understand how each component of the building works together and in what state; Challenge the design and ideas needed to solve problems, and understand the elements of a good user experience.

Bad developers, on the other hand, rely heavily on their beloved technology. They believe that a single method or process is “ideal” and that user experience and different situations should never drive decisions. They take projects to situations that satisfy their preferences.

Bad developer behavior like this is like a bull in a Chinese store. It’s a waste of time, effort, and reputation.

Is there a word that sums up all of this?


Always, having a good attitude trumps years of experience.

It’s not enough just to work. It’s about having the right attitude, not the right skills. The right attitude is much more important.

Having a good, positive attitude and positive thinking at work reflects the nature of the job and makes you a more productive employee. This determines how well your project is done and how others perceive you. A good attitude is contagious, especially in the workplace.

Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.

Zig Ziglar

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