If you have paid attention to Google related development technology, you should be familiar with HTTP203 column.

This is a special edition of HTTP203 Christmas! Jake (@Jaffathecake) and Surma (@dassurma) had 2 minutes to describe their excitement about 2018. These include:

  1. Background fetch – Background fetch.
  2. Animation Worklets – Animation worklets
  3. Web locks – Web locks
  4. Web Architecture – Web architecture
  5. Weightless CSS – Weightless CSS
  6. Template instantiation
  7. Flatmap & flatten.
  8. Async iterators & generators – Async iterators and generators
  9. Fetch observers.
  10. Dynamic imports – Dynamic imports
  11. Transform streams.
  12. The benefits of web workers.

In this episode, Jake talks about a proposal for a new background fetch API to handle the browser’s heavy upload/download work.

An episode is updated daily at HTTP203. You can subscribe to HTTP203 Advent on Youtube’s Google Chrome Developer channel.

I will make Chinese subtitles from time to time. Since the official account will insert advertisements in the video, I will not show the video in the official account. You can long press the qr code below to watch the video at B station or Youku station, or click the last part of the article to read the original text and watch the video at B station.

  • Station B: HTTP 203 – channel
  • Youku: HTTP 203 – unicast

You can also follow my public account by searching for “Code Voice” or “codefm”. Or scan the QR code to follow.