Come to talk to you again, there are a lot of words I want to say recently, I come to Wuhan to talk about it.


Why go home?

Because of homesick, the whole year can not go back several times ah! Is the so-called: “alone in a foreign land for a stranger, every festival times miss relatives.”

After returning home, BECAUSE I was from Wuhan, I was very conscious of it, so I stayed at home for 14 days and did not go out, so as not to cause trouble to my relatives and friends. Our relatives are also very concerned about the epidemic. In the past, we often have dinner together. This year, our consensus has turned into an online meeting.

Now that I think about it, THE night before I got home, I was pretty scared. That night, after our project team put the project online, we made a happy New Year video at the company’s request. At that time, there were not many people wearing masks in Wuhan, but we also knew that the epidemic was not as simple as most people thought because of the news and the inside information of some hospitals, so we all wore masks.

After that, I took a didi to go home. On the way back, as the driver was not wearing a mask, I reminded him that he should pay attention to the protection of many people he was in contact with. But the driver did not care, at that time he said and a special like, think of fear.

After a lapse of more than 3 months, he returned to Wuhan

After a lapse of more than 3 months, he returned to Wuhan. From the beginning, we were at a loss in the face of this unknown virus, to our concerted efforts, from lockdown to close to two months of not going out, finally, we successfully turned over and handed in a satisfactory answer sheet. I am glad that I am the Descendant of Chinese, and I hope the country will be better and better, come on!!

The picture below was taken at Hankou Railway Station, which was full before the epidemic, but now has fewer people, most of whom are probably still working from home.

The subway and the train station, there are few people, usually remember the subway is more crowded. Walked all the way did not find a person did not wear a mask, to tell the truth, the weather is still relatively hot, I wear a mask for a while the whole nose near a lot of sweat 💦. I also dare not take off my mask for a moment to take a breath, after all, I still need to pay attention. Moreover, this kind of behavior is contagious, and if more people take off masks to breathe, everyone will become accustomed to this kind of behavior.

Before returning to Wuhan, I called the landlord in advance and learned that the community I rented had been completely unsealed, but I needed to scan the code for registration. Later, when I went to the supermarket to buy food, I found that all the large public places I arrived, such as residential areas, supermarkets, subways and so on, were required to implement access registration, so as to facilitate the tracking of personal whereabouts.

Back to the rented house

I was quite nervous before I entered, after all, no one had lived in this room for so long. But the overall feeling is good after coming in, not as bad as I thought.

It took a couple of hours and it was almost done. However, more uncomfortable is that MY 3 cactus suffered sin, only the most lovely laugh cactus survived.

I cooked dinner for myself

Simply saute a cucumber.

Fried a few vegetable rings and chicken sticks.

When I’m at home on weekends, I usually cook for myself and call my girlfriend for dinner. In fact, cooking doesn’t take much time, and the feeling of simply cooking is comforting.

We made a simple curry. I think curry rice is the easiest and the cost is very low and I personally love it.

Go for a walk

Although I knew it was not easy to go out for a stroll during the epidemic, BUT I had been in Wuhan for a long time, so I went out for a long time after dinner. There were very few people on the road and most people chose to stay at home.

I also made a special visit to Huaco, which is close to me and can be reached in about 10 minutes’ walk. Back in the day, I used to do laps at Huaco with my girlfriend.


Returning to wuhan, this heroic city, I am still very moved. The epidemic has been basically brought under control. On April 26, hubei realized double “zero elimination”, and on May 1, the first-level response was downgraded to second-level response. Although not as prosperous as in the past, wuhan has shown us courage and solidarity through the epidemic. I believe Wuhan will be better and better! China will be better and better!

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