In 2020, I will be 30 years old and have a baby, with more responsibilities on my shoulders.


At 30, he had a lovely daughter of his own. Because the daughter-in-law is in Foshan and I work in Shenzhen, so are two places every week back and forth, accidentally become a weekend father. My daughter, who loves to laugh, is growing up and has recently learned to walk. She is very content.

The interview

This year is the third year that I have been working in the current team, and I have worked as a technical leader for more than one year. I have gained more practical experience and understanding of micro services and cloud. In order to understand the current situation of the industry and its market value, I have applied for positions in Ali and Tencent, and I have also seen what front-line big companies are doing through interviews. Unfortunately, the interview result is not very good. In the interview process of Ali-Tencent, I found that I attach great importance to the Java foundation and have requirements for using the principle of technology stack in my own project, rather than just knowing how to use it. For example, in addition to the indexing principles and principles of mysql, it is also necessary to have a deep understanding of transaction isolation logging, locking technology, MVCC, etc. There are also requirements for different component selection of Spring Cloud. They need to continue to improve their skills.

Advanced technology

In order to make up for their shortcomings, so I signed up for a platform technology advanced class. Fortunately, I met a good mentor, who filled many blind spots of knowledge related to JVM, NIO, Spring, multithreading, Mysql and Redis. A group of students with the same learning goals have been encouraging themselves to keep learning.


In terms of financial return, I still feel that the return of improving myself at work is more controllable and higher than something like a part-time job. Therefore, in addition to improving my working ability in management, communication and technology, I began to make efforts in financial management this year. In order to be more insurance, it is only invested in the fund at present. The end of the return calculated earnings have more than 40,000, is also a small harvest.


2020 has passed, with the joy of baby growth, frustration in interview, and technology gains. Looking forward to 2021, I will continue to improve myself and make the life of my loved ones happier. Flag cannot be missed:

  • Strive to output more than 2 technical articles per month.
  • Strive to participate in an open source project.
  • Wealth management income exceeded 100,000 yuan.

Life may repeat itself, but history also moves on. Look forward to a better 2021. Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…