Collect and organize all kinds of testing tools, automatic testing tools, automatic testing frameworks, find it helpful to remember three times. Welcome to submit testing tools to this blog.

Universal testing framework

JUnit: The best known unit testing framework for the xUnit class, but it can do more than just unit testing. TestNG: A more powerful Java testing framework that is flexible and extensible, supports annotations and multithreading. Pytest: The most powerful Python testing framework, highly customizable, rich in plug-ins. Unittest: Python's official built-in testing framework. RobotFramework: keyword-driven testing framework, open source, easy to use. Cucumber: open source BDD automation test framework, supporting Ruby and Java Behave: Python based BDD automation test framework Gauge: lightweight cross-platform test automation tool, you can write test cases in business language.Copy the code

Use cases generated

PICT: Test case and Bug Management TestLink: Open source test case management, test planning, test execution, test reporting. ZenTao: ZenTao, domestic open source tools, bug recording, use case management, project management. Jira: Defect Tracking, Customer service, requirements gathering, Process approval, Task Tracking, Project tracking, and Agile Management Selenium: The industry's most influential Web test automation tool. Cypress: Js-based Web test automation tool. Atalon: API, Web, mobile automated testing tool. Ranorex: Commercial GUI automation testing tool for desktop, Web, and mobile. QTP/UFT automated test tool for business GUI desktop and Web. AutoIT: A tool for writing Windows desktop GUI automation with basic-like scripts. Appium: mobile test automation tool for Android and ios. STF: Smartphone Test Farm (STF) is a mobile device management tool that controls and manages mobile devices through a browser. Macaca: Automated testing tool for multiple applications, open source by Alibaba. Airtest: UI automation test tool, support App and game, netease open source. SoloPi: Soloπ is a wireless, non-invasive Android automation tool. The public beta version has three major functions: recording playback, performance testing, and multiple controls, saving test developers valuable time.Copy the code

The performance test

Apache Bench: HTTP performance testing tool LoadRunner: HP commercial performance testing tool JMeter: Java-based performance testing tool, open source. Locust: Python based performance testing tool Tsung: Erlang-based performance testing tool that supports massive concurrency, but is rarely used in the industry due to the lack of Erlang knowledge. Siege: Siege is a multithreaded HTTP load testing and benchmarking tool. WRK is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool. Htop: collects statistics on Linux system resource usage in real time ifTOP: collects statistics on Linux network traffic in real time nLOAD: PageSpeed Insights is a developer's tool focused on improving web performance.Copy the code

The code quality

CodePulse: Real-time code coverage tool Web tool Fiddler: Fiddler is an HTTP debugging packet capture tool. It obtains HTTP communication data through proxy, which can be used to detect web page and server interaction. Tcpdump: network packet capture tool. Wireshark: a network packet analysis tool with interfaces that supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. GoReplay: a network monitoring tool that can perform traffic replay, stress test, and traffic analysis TcpCopy: a traffic replay tool. Charles: Packet capture, weak network simulation, interface testing. Network damage simulator: hardware network damage simulator. It is used to simulate various weak network conditions of the WAN, such as packet loss, delay, low bandwidth, etc.Copy the code

The interface test

Postman: Postman is the complete toolchain for API developers, Used by more than 5 million developers and 30,000 companies worldwide. SoapUI: The most popular API testing tool. Fiddler is an HTTP debugging and packet capture tool. It obtains HTTP communication data through proxy, which can be used to detect web page and server interaction. Hitchhiker: Hitchhiker is an open source, collaborative, Restful Api testing tool that supports automated testing, data comparison, stress testing, script customization requests, and can be easily deployed locally to test apis with your team members. Rest-assured: A Java library for testing RESTful Web Services called Pact: an implementation of consumer-driven contract testing that can be used to mock responses in consumer code and verify interactions in provider code.Copy the code

The test report

ExtentReports: An elegant, interactive, flexible and detailed framework for test reporting. Reporting: Ai-Powered Test Automation Dashboard - Reporting: HTML reports for Cucumber ReportNG: TestNG BeautifulReport An HTML/XML Reporting Plug-in for TestNG BeautifulReport a test case template implemented based on the unittest.TestResult module, BeautifulReport incorporates results from tests into a visual report.Copy the code


Mockserver: A Java-based Mock open source framework that allows you to remotely control the return of MockServer through a Client or restful API. Whistle: A cross-platform packet capture debugging agent based on Node implementation that records requests and responses and plays them back as a mock Server.Copy the code

Traffic replay

Vm-sandbox-repeater: An open source jVM-Sandbox-based traffic repeater that provides the ability to replay incoming requests (HTTP/Dubbo/Java) and Mock returns from child calls (Java/Dubbo).Copy the code